Placenta Encapsulation Pre & Postnatal Period

EAT MY WHAT?! : The Bridge Newspaper Article

Eat My What?! The Bridge Newspaper Article About My Encapsulation Service

Tara Carpenter, CPES.

Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist for mothers in Vermont.

Written by The Bridge on February 7, 2013, News & Features on Tara Carpenter, Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist (CPES).

Tara Carpenter is a Placenta Encapsulationist trained with Placenta Benefits info, a leading source in placenta encapsulation. She has provided placenta encapsulation to mothers in Central Vermont, Chittenden County and Upper Valley since 2011. For more information, visit and

Each woman bounces back from birth in her own way, but many have hormonal fluctuations during the postpartum recovery. This is normal. Many women also lose iron during birth. This iron loss combined with the hormonal dips can leave some new moms feeling less than good. Both issues can affect her ability to mother her baby as well as she’d like.This dip in iron and hormones can result in low energy and fatigue, both of which are leading indicators of the “baby blues” and PPD. Placenta capsules are shown to contain hormones and iron in a bio-available form that her body will recognize. It’s preferable to prevent a postpartum condition in this natural way, rather than go through the possible cycles of anxiety, depression, and conventional treatment.

Placenta capsules are a natural remedy to support birth recovery.

Taking placenta capsules has gained popularity. It’s now recognized that the placenta is an amazing organ that nurtures life in the womb and nourishes new mom after birth. Created by a woman’s own body, placenta is a perfect match for her unique nutritional/hormonal needs.

The use of placenta is not new. It’s been documented medicinally and culturally for over 1,000 years. When the placenta is reintroduced to the mom’s body, it can balance hormones, replenish iron, lower risk of baby blues, increase energy and breast milk, decrease insomnia, tone the uterus, and provide mom with a sense of well-being.

Encapsulation is for ALL moms – whether you birth in a hospital, at home, by Cesarean, or as a surrogate. 

Placenta capsules are more palatable than raw placenta, making them an option for moms who might not consider otherwise. Additionally, capsules allow mom to benefit from her placenta for weeks instead of days. Please hire a trained Placenta Encapsulationist who adheres to OSHA guidelines for safe handling and disinfection and uses the same sanitation procedures found in food service establishments; trained specialist that follows EPA guidelines for handling blood-borne pathogens and medical waste.

Mothers can choose from plain or grape flavored capsules.

How a placenta is encapsulated ….

Currently, there is no law that allows an Encapsulator to encapsulate a placenta in their own personal kitchen. This is why the encapsulation must happen at the new mom’s home.

The encapsulation must done within 72 hrs. of birth to preserve the hormones and nutrients (or frozen and done later). The Placenta Encapsulationist will bring the necessary equipment for making the pills and is mindful of the family’s privacy as she works quietly in the kitchen.

You receive a jar of capsules along with mother’s tea and tincture. Some specialists, like myself, also offer placenta prints as a memory keepsake. The whole family is invited to witness the encapsulation process and photos are welcome.

The dehydration process preserves the placenta and allows the mother to reap its benefits for the long term. There are testimonials of women who have used their placenta capsules to aid in stressful times many months after birth and even into the menopausal years.

Please email for all inquiries.

Online Booking

Channel 3 MiVT: Placenta Encapsulation for new mothers in Vermont

Disclaimer: Benefits of placenta encapsulation are supported by ongoing research. However, statements on this website aren't evaluated by FDA and products from these services aren't intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Please make your decision in regards to consuming your placenta with a licensed medical practitioner. Tara Carpenter, CPES. is a Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist and not a doctor, holistic practitioner, pharmaceutical representative, or herbalist. Women who utilize this service take full responsibility for using placenta capsules at own risk.

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