Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist

Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist

Tara Carpenter, CPES.

Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist for mothers in Vermont.

I am a Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist (CPES.) for mothers in Vermont and prepare placenta capsules with an FDA-approved Traditional Chinese Medicine method. I follow OSHA/EPA guidelines for handling bloodborne pathogens. To comply with state/federal guidelines, I must encapsulate in client’s kitchen or that of friend/family member after paperwork is complete. Due to legal restrictions, I am unable to offer a pickup/drop off service. 

I encapsulate for mothers that birth in the hospital, at home, or via cesarean; surrogate mothers too.

I work in small or big kitchens, carriage houses, Airbnb, outdoor set-up (client, provides), or equipped basement. I bring necessary equipment, inc. protective wear (i.e., disposable gloves, apron) and only need access to hot water, sink, stove-top, electrical outlet, and counter space. I wear a clean, fitted mask; keep my hands sanitized, and disinfect all I use and touch. I typically encapsulate while the mother is recovering at the hospital or resting in a bedroom upstairs. I am quiet and respectful of this intimate time in your life.

Your thorough care, kind personality, and gentle spirit make what you do much more than a job. I’m thankful to have met you. ~A.K., Woodstock, VT.

I received my certification with Placenta Benefits (PBU) world standard in placenta encapsulation training and the only organization with Standard Operating Procedures on file with FDA in the United States. I keep an updated ServSafe Food Manager Certification and OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Certificate and handle each placenta with care. Certificate-2023

My capsules were amazing! Zero anxiety or depression, less fatigue and pain, deeper sleep, more energy and milk. I wish I’d done with my 1st baby! ~R.H., Stowe, VT.

Placenta capsules contain:

  • Protein
  • Hormones (i.e., oxytocin, prolactin)
  • Trace elements (i.e., iron, zinc)
  • B Vitamins (i.e., b6, b12)
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
  • Immunoglobulin G (IgG)
  • Placental Opioid-Enhancing Factor

Placenta capsules can:

    • Balance hormones
    • Stimulate breast-milk supply
    • Increase iron/energy
    • Decrease risk of “baby blues” and/or depression/anxiety
    • Relieve pain from caesarean birth or stitches
    • Tighten and tone uterus to pre-pregnancy size
    • Strengthen immune system
    • Shorten postpartum bleeding/lochia
    • Regulate thyroid
    • Birth recovery

I plan to encapsulate again and won’t give birth without this postpartum healing everagain! ~L.B., Burlington, VT.

I complete each encapsulation in client’s kitchen in 2 separate steps often in the same day though at times I come over a span of 2 consecutive days, depending on my availability. Any surface and equipment that can’t be immersed in 10% bleach solution get sanitized with an EPA-approved surface disinfectant. Your kitchen will be clean and able to be used between each step. I do ask that pets and older kids be in another room.

I do not consider myself a guest nor expect to meet the new mother (or baby) when I come. Upon my departure, I will leave a dosage card for how to begin your capsules along with how many you received; most moms receive anywhere from 80-200 capsules for postpartum use. I will check-in twice during the postpartum period to be sure all is well and to answer any questions or concerns that you may have.

I didn’t experience PPD like I did with my first baby and glad to be present in these first precious weeks together. I wish all women knew you. ~A.J., Brattleboro, VT.

Placenta is naturally rich in hormones that can provide a new mother with a deep sense of calm because the opioid-enhancing factor in placental tissue is shown to stimulate her own opioids and endorphins to reduce pain and increase well-being. Many mothers seek me out for this hormone inducing effect in order to feel strong and steady after giving birth. 

Please email tara@happybellies.net for all inquiries.

Online Booking

Channel 3 MiVT: Placenta Encapsulation for new mothers in Vermont

Disclaimer: Benefits of placenta encapsulation are supported by ongoing research. However, statements on this website aren't evaluated by FDA and products from these services aren't intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Please make your decision in regards to consuming your placenta with a licensed medical practitioner. Tara Carpenter, CPES. is a Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist and not a doctor, holistic practitioner, pharmaceutical representative, or herbalist. Women who utilize this service take full responsibility for using placenta capsules at own risk.
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