Testimonials for Therapeutic Nutrition Consultations

Testimonials for Therapeutic Nutrition Consultations

Tara Carpenter, NC.

Nutritional support worldwide for digestive-related health issues; especially yeast overgrowth with Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.).

Tara’s amazing! When you don’t feel good or feel foggy it helps to have someone shine a bright light to get where we need to go. I tried 4 autism diets for my son and B.E.D. (and tara!) helped us thrive ~ K.M., Oregon (Method of Hope)

I met Tara at Esalen in 1999. He way of eating and living was a huge impact and inspiration; in many ways marking the beginning of what I’ve done with my life ~ J.T.,RI (Cooking with Italian Grandmothers) 

I marvel at the emotional and spiritual healing I’m moving through to heal my gut. I struggled with issues for YEARS and in a few weeks with Tara, I feel lighter and more present than ever ~ B.U., VT (Be Seen)

Eating therapeutically is overwhelming to begin. You’re in good hands with Tara, she helped my family navigate this path too. ~ J.S., Worcester, VT

If you need nutritional support, I highly recommend a consult with Tara; I feel 100% refreshed and focused. ~ S.P., CA (Tiny Laguna Kitchen)

I am honored to write a testimonial for Tara who changes lives for better. Her manner is supportive and gentle in meeting people where they are; allowing and supporting them to proceed at their own schedule which takes ALL pressure off and encourages one to slowly at one’s own pace, incorporate health-promoting habits ~ B.C., FL

I respect Tara’s commitment to help others make changes to allow for a better, happier life ~ S.M., Colombia

I recommend Tara’s meal plans, especially if you feel daunted about going gluten and dairy free, her ideas are doable. ~ R.E., Montpelier, VT.

You are my Body Ecology rockstar to look up to! ~ Hannah, NY, NY.

I discovered B.E.D. in a body that didn’t feel good. I spent years struggling with my health and versions of disordered eating. I was 100lbs overweight, exhausted, with sore joints, and a hopelessly weak constitution. I feared this would last my whole life, read more~ H.L., NY

When I read B.E.D., I didn’t know where to begin. Everything felt complicated with many pieces to put together, like food combining! Tara broke things down in doable ways and after 3 sessions I was on my feet. At 2-month check in, I was on diet AND traveling! ~ S.K., NC

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