Recipe The Body Ecology Diet

In My Kitchen: Buckwheat Waffles for The Body Ecology Diet

In My Kitchen: Buckwheat Waffles for The Body Ecology Diet

Tara Carpenter, NC.

Nutritional support for people on Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.).

Originally published on February 9, 2016.

I was thrilled to create this recipe for people healing with Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.); which recommends no gluten, yeast, sugar, or flour during stage 1. When I was on this diet, I dearly missed waffles. So, one morning I set out to make some I could eat and that my kids would like. You can use the batter to make pancakes or muffins too!

Below is the recipe I came up with …. buckwheat is an energizing grain that warms the body, regulates blood sugar, and balances the thyroid; also alkaline-forming and increases circulation to the hands and feet.

We love them so much, and even our friends who didn’t follow the diet or have food issues loved them too. All said, I have since made this recipe one that is fit to go in the cookbook I am slowly putting together 🙂

“I finally broke down and bought a waffle maker for this recipe. Oh my goodness, I LOVE to indulge in different shapes and textures of food when B.E.D guidelines can be strict about other indulgences. Thank you Tara.” ~ H.M. Randolph, VT.

Buckwheat Waffle (or Pancakes!) Recipe

Serves: 4


4 cups whole buckwheat groats, un-toasted

3 cups pure water 

1/4 cup pumpkin or sunflower seeds

1/4 cup coconut oil, warmed to a liquid

4-6 drops stevia liquid

1-2 tsp cinnamon (or ¼ tsp. each of nutmeg, allspice)

1 1/2 tsp sea salt


  1. Place buckwheat and seeds in bowl or 1/2 gallon Mason jar, cover by 3-4 inches warm water (80-85 degrees F).
  2. Add in 1/4 c. apple cider vinegar, kefir, lemon juice, or other acid.
  3. Soak in warm spot for 8-24 hrs. (my soaking method).
  4. Strain soaking water; rinse well, and drain.
  5. Put drained buckwheat and seeds in Vita-Mix or high speed blender.
  6. Add 3 cups of water, coconut oil, and remaining ingredients.
  7. Blend until smooth.
  8. Add a cup of batter into waffle maker – or fry in skillet for pancakes.
  9. Top with cultured butter, creamy carrot butter, “maple syrup”, lakanto, or pesto.

Tips & Tricks

  • Lakanto Maple Syrup is B.E.D.-approved for stage 1 or stage 2.
  • These waffles freeze nicely, so make a double (or triple) batch!
  • Substitute quinoa/millet for some or all buckwheat (I don’t have much experience with this, but use different ratios of both and recipe is fine either way. Quinoa gives different flavor and millet gives a drier texture. Amaranth/teff work too in smaller amounts.
  • Replace pumpkin seed with tapioca starch for gummy texture (stage 2)
  • Due to dense texture, best to reheat waffles by steaming gently.
  • Check out how to soak whole grains here
  • I haven’t tried old fashioned waffle iron (cast iron), but gets good reviews and made with pure cast iron to avoid aluminum/teflon. 
  • Top with carrot butter, pesto, hemp seeds, pumpkin seed butter, flax oil, cultured butter, coconut oil, soaked almonds, or for sweet times with creme fraiche and lakanto-cinnamon sprinkles.
  • Perfect treat for anyone on Body Ecology Diet
  • The batter makes wonderful pancakes too!

OMG, make them with carrot butter and slather with ghee. I can’t control myself! If someone was staring into my window, they’d have thought I hadn’t eaten in days! What happened to self control? If you try them don’t do what I did …. practice self control, be strong, pace yourself, eat with veggies. This is what I learned – too late for me. I hope this helps someone else. ~ P.S. Saunderstown, RI.

Waffle Toppers

Snacks on Body Ecology Diet

Nutritional Support with Tara, NC.

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May all bellies be happy!

16 replies on “In My Kitchen: Buckwheat Waffles for The Body Ecology Diet”

It does make a lot! I have hungry boys and men to feed and so they disappear like hot-cakes. If you have a smaller family or eat on the lighter side, know that the batter stores well for a quick ‘n easy breakfast/snack in days to come. The waffles themselves also freeze well; especially great for times of travel. I make a bunch and store in a Ziploc freezer bag with parchment in between. Then on day of eating, I steam them on stovetop. YummY!

This makes a lot! For more like a family of 8. Also be weary if you are not fortunate to have a large high speed blender than only half of this mixture will fit in a regular blender. Tastes wonderful though!

Thank you so much for this recipe, it is an absolute mainstay in our family. Blessings <3

Hi Brigitte, I went ahead and edited this recipe to make it less confusing. You’ll start with 4 cups buckwheat groats and soak those. They’ll increase in size a little bit so do add enough soaking water to cover by about 3-4 inches. Have fun, this is one of my favorite recipes 🙂

This recipe calls for 4 cups of soaked groats. How many dry groats, do I need to soak, to make 4 cups of soaked groats? I know they will expand a lot, but not sure how much.

Not sure, I’ve never tried it. My main aim with this recipe was to keep it flour free. Try it though and see how you go.

Okay, I didn’t read your recipe thoroughly, and I just went to our local health food store and bought organic BuckWheat Flour instead of groats… is this okay?

These waffles/pancakes leave your belly comfortably full. Not a drop of pain. I jazz mine up with carrot butter, as suggested, + saute lots of onion with parsley, summer squash and whatever fresh vegetables I have on hand. A big squirt of healthy oil tops it off. It’s so nice feeling comfortable AND full.

I am not sure if quinoa would work as well in nori as millet does as it is a bit more mushy and. Perhaps try cooking your quinoa with a bit of amaranth or teff and use a bit less water than usual and that may work.
I do not cook a bunch of different dishes for each of my kids. We all eat together at meals and there is usually enough variety for us all to choose from to be happy! My kids have very open palettes and eat almost anything. They beg for fermented cod liver oil each day and will ask for cultured veggie juice like it was candy 🙂
My youngest who is 5 years old has never had a drop of sugar in his life or gluten.
He has been eating the Body Ecology way for about 3 years now and his health has improved in many ways.
You mention wanting more recipes for kids…have you checked out BEDROK (body ecology diet recovery for kids)??
Here is link to them
They have lots of recipes there and ideas as well as an active discussion board to ask away on your questions.
You may want to check that out!

Tara, thank you for your tips. It is funny that you put green smoothie in quotations. I have been making this kind of smoothie, as well, but I add avocado to it which makes it super creamy. Is this ok? Vita-mix is one of my kitchen “babies”, I love it. I eat flax dill crackers with coconut oil or guacamole, I cant tolerate dairy yet. Hopefully, one day I will be able to add raw cultured butter and ghee. I love the idea of cooked egg yolks wrapped in nori. Can I replace millet with quinoa? Millet is one of my food sensitivities. I have over 30 foods that I am sensitive to.
How about your kids? Do they eat the same breakfast as you or do you serve them something different? I would love to get more ideas about kid-friendly BED breakfast.
Again thank you immensely for all your tips,

Right now I am on a kick with a “green smoothie” with lettuce, lemon, water, green stevia powder, sour green apple, celery and sea salt. It is yummy! Sometimes I change things up by adding in Potent Proteins, chia seeds, ginger, cranberries or sprouted sunflower seeds. I have a Vita-Mix that works like a charm in making smooth smoothies!! After this smoothie settles (and if I feel like I need more in my belly) I might have flax crackers with ghee/cultured raw butter/guacomole, lightly sauteed egg yolks with fresh dill wrapped in nori and millet, mashed squash or leftover soup. I tend to keep things light and moist in the morning until about 11am when I am ready for something more substantial and “meaty”. Of course, this is what works for me at this point in my life…

What do you usually serve for breakfast? I feel like I have other meals down except breakfast as long as 80/20 goes.
Thank you,

I do follow 80/20 with just about all my meals.
I like to serve these waffles with Creamy Carrot Butter ( and arame seaweed sauteed with onion.
My boys especially love 1 or 2 raw egg yolks in a nest of the Creamy Carrot Butter while it is still hot so the egg yolk cooks a bit on the very bottom.
We always have a small serving of steamed kale or other leafy green too.
We sprinkle the whole thing with hemp seeds or soaked sunflower/pumpkin seeds and we all feel very satisfied!!
Don’t forget the cultured veggies 🙂
The ideas are endless!!!

Do you follow 80/20 with breakfast, as well? Or do you just serve waffles on their own for breakfast?
Thank you,
P.S. I tried this recipe, they are yummy.

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