
Watermelon Popsicles for FUN

I hesitated to write this recipe because it’s so simple. Yet, we don’t bring our basket of cookie cutters down off the shelf everyday and I got some photos, so here goes an easy-to-make recipe.

True to name, watermelon is an excellent source of water …. one cup contains 20% of your daily value of vitamin C and 14% for vitamin A. Watermelon also has a lower calorie content than most fruit; delivering more nutrients per calorie.

Watermelon Pops



Wooden popsicle sticks (can buy these in a package of 200 for $7 from Amazon)

Cookie cutters


  1. Slice watermelon into 1-2 inch pieces.
  2. Cut into fun shapes.
  3. Put a stick into the bottom center of your cut watermelon shape.  
  4. Place shapes on a cookie sheet lined with freezer paper.
  5. Freeze for about 4 hours.

Tips & Tricks

Nerdy Wordy

I specialize in digestion (hence Happy Bellies) and want to say that though watermelon is the easiest fruit to digest and requires essentially no digestion when eaten alone. Now, if you eat that same watermelon with any other food you are looking at one of the most difficult foods to digest. So eat watermelon alone or with other melons, you can check out my food combining 101 here.

All too often, I see people eat melon alongside the barbecue meat meal and foresee the mess to follow …. watermelon travels to tummy and stops whatever else is in there from digesting properly. The whole concoction ferments and potentially causes much gas, bloating, and diarrhea.

Yet, on an empty stomach, melon generally takes 15-30″ to digest. That’s it. Sidenote, the only time a stomach is truly empty is 1st thing in morning. I eat fruit when I wake up with a cup of warm lemon water so that by the time I sit down to breakfast, the melon is long out of sight and I am hydrated to boot 😉 

Cultured Strawberry Ice Cream

Proper Food Combining Chart

B.E.D. Support with Tara, NC.

May all bellies be happy!

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