Ways to Support Your Inner Ecosystem
Tara Carpenter, NC.
Nutrition Consultant for people regaining natural gut microbiome after yeast, bacterial, viral infections with The Body Ecology Diet.
Support your inner ecosystem (a.k.a digestive system) with the following ideas I’ve come up with over the years as a Nutritionist for people with digestive issues. If you are pregnant, then check out this article.
- Unsalted cultured food (i.e. cultured vegetables, coconut kefir) to populate the gut with good flora/probiotics to improve digestion, nutrient absorption, and elimination.
- Properly soak grains, beans, nuts/seeds to reduce harmful anti-nutrients (i.e. lectins, phytates, inhibitors).
- Proper food combining which means eating food that combines well in your stomach. This practice aids digestions and helps you more easily assimilate nutrients from the food you eat.
- Seasonal cooking is a way of adjusting food and cooking styles throughout the changing year so you enjoy food at freshest peak and more easily keep the inner and outer body in harmony.
- Body Ecology Diet or another ‘gluten-sugar-yeast’ free diet is a way of eating that does not feed pathogenic fungus, bacteria or viruses living in the body. Very useful for yeast overgrowth.
- Home remedies made from natural ingredients to relieve mild aches and pains.
- Alkalizing foods are rich in minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium) to keep blood slightly alkaline; a good way to prevent infection from settling in.
- Organic, local whole food made without refined or processed ingredients is easiest for the human body to recognize and digest.
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May all bellies be happy!