Health Conditions Pre & Postnatal Period

Maya Abdominal Massage in Vermont


Though I do not offer this service, my colleague Michelle Broaddus is a Maya Masseuse Therapist in Montpelier, VT. You can reach her at Michelle has experience helping women become pregnant, have a healthy pregnancy, and in the postpartum to align the uterus.

Regular Maya Abdominal Therapy supports women during the childbearing years and beyond by relieving common discomforts, such as menstrual pain, fertility challenges, heartburn, bloating, “turning babies”. More benefits here.

Maya Therapy can be a part of every woman’s healing protocol before, during and after giving birth (once the womb has completely healed). Maya Massage ensures the uterus is in healthy alignment and free of congestion.

Mention “Happy Bellies” and receive 10% off your first treatment 🙂

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May all bellies be happy!

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