Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy™ is a traditional Maya healing technique developed by Dr. Rosita Arvigo to restore the position and health of pelvic and abdominal organs. This external, noninvasive abdominal massage is best known for correcting a prolapsed, fallen, or tilted uterus (wandering womb).
Sudden falls, whiplash and bouncing (i.e. running), even just wearing heels can swing theuterus dramatically; lodging it in a sideways/tilted position.
The Mayan’s believe the center of a woman is her uterus,”if her uterus is out of balance, so is she.”
A tilted uterus can lead to reproductive complications. In fact, midwives and healers of Central America agree that most female troubles are caused by a “wandering womb”. Even if you are not trying to conceive or don’t have fertility problems, you could be among the 75% of women with prolapsed uterus. It never hurts to make sure everything inside of you is in good working order…women of all ages benefit from Maya Therapy.
- Enhance fertility
- Correct prolapsed or tipped uterus
- Regulate and improve painful menstrual periods
- Relieve gynecological issues
- Relieve gastrointestinal ailments (constipation, IBS, heartburn, indigestion)
- Improve fetal position for birth
- Release deep tension
- Increase sexual satisfaction
- Diminish adhesion’s on pelvis/abdomen (fibroids, endometriosis, cesarean delivery)
- Relieve urinary/bladder problems
- Relieve discomforts of pregnancy
Your uterus is amazing, it is held in position by muscles and ligaments that connect to the pelvis. These uterine ligaments are designed to stretch as a baby begins to grow or as our bladders/bowels become full. If these ligaments and muscles become weak/loose, they can’t hold up a uterus correctly. The result is a prolapsed or tipped uterus in a number of incorrect positions.
A tipped or prolapsed uterus is a big deal.
When the uterus is incorrectly aligned, the normal flow of blood and lymph becomes constricted and disrupts nerve connection. Additionally, circulating blood to the uterus, ovaries, bladder and bowel can be blocked. Maya Abdominal Therapy strengthens ligaments and muscles that support the uterus and ovaries. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few months to get the uterus to slide back into place.

Causes of prolapsed or tipped uterus:
- Falls
- Car accidents (whiplash)
- Overstretching during pregnancy/labor, resulting in weakened ligaments
- Running on concrete
- Chronic constipation
- High-impact activities (i.e. dancing, aerobics, horseback riding, gymnastics)
- Wearing heels
Maya massage benefits any woman who has born a child and/or had a hysterectomy. For men, abdominal massage ensures a full blood supply to the prostate by preventing swelling, inflammation and relieves premature ejaculation.
Love is made in the uterus, life is made in the uterus.
Mayans believe that human emotions are stored in abdomen and bring focus on this area to heal. In this light, Maya Massage can release deep tension; refresh blood flow to muscles/organs; and reopen blocked energy paths to release blocked chi (life force) accumulated from pent-up emotions. Maya Massage can also help with digestive issues by loosening tight muscles around the stomach and arteries that feed digestive and elimination organs with their vital blood supply.
Live in Vermont?? Michelle Broaddus is a Maya Masseuse in Montpelier, please contact her with questions or to schedule an appointment. Mention “Happy Bellies” and receive 10% off your first treatment. Find a list of Maya practitioners at https://arvigotherapy.com/
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May ALL bellies be happy
2 replies on “Maya Abdominal Massage”
Hi Jada
Please email me directly and we can discuss your needs. I charge 70$ for a 60 minute session and 100$ for a 90 minute session.
Michelle Broaddus
CMT, ATMAT Practitioner, Doula and Herbalist
I am intersted in learning more about Mayan Abdominal Massage. I can’t find your prices and other specifics about this service on your website. Can you please email with info about sessions.
Thank you!