Therapeutic Nutrition with Tara Carpenter, NC.

Therapeutic Nutrition with Tara Carpenter, NC.

Nutritional support worldwide for digestive-related health issues; especially yeast overgrowth with Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.).

I am a Holistic Nutrition Consultant and Therapeutic Chef offering nutritional support for people of all ages healing digestive-related issues; especially yeast overgrowth with Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.). To schedule a consultation or complimentary get-to-know-each-other phone call, please email 

When you find something that works and brings about lasting positive change, you may want to climb the rooftop and sing out your praises! My own praise goes to Donna Gates, the founder of Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.), a foundational system of health/healing with principles of food combining, unsalted probiotic food, and cleansing.

With this way of eating, I healed myself of a systemic yeast infection over a three year period and became proficient at setting a table with food my family could enjoy, despite differences in eating 🙂 Today, I use this skill to guide people on the diet and to create customized meal plans

Everyone comes to healing at different stage of life.

No matter when you begin to heal and no matter the pace you decide to set, I help you integrate your experience and answer questions along the way. If you have a healing practice that is working for you, then I am available as well. You DO NOT have to be using the Body Ecology Diet way of eating to consult with me. That is what I specialize in. If you are pregnant or have a child then I am equally supportive.

Tara’s consults are informative, like chatting over a cup of tea, her words heartwarming. I feel safe and trust her, important when making life changes ~ K.L., Tasmania

A therapeutic nutritional consultation is a powerful tool to activate balance for better health.

Changing how and what you eat is intimate. I feel honored to help people. My body and life changed in lasting ways when I healed a chronic infection that had plagued me for years. Now, as a Therapeutic Nutrition Consultant I witness my clients move through empowering transformations. Most people find me after years of suffering without relief from other practices; most will begin to feel better from long-standing symptoms within 1-3 months of beginning to work with me.

Slow & Steady

Keep your “eye on the prize” and reach out for support. I help you begin your healing dietary practice and to stay focused and calm as you move forward. People say I am most helpful in addressing complications and concerns that arise along the way. I have consulted with people since 2014. I know the focus required to hit the bullseye each day in order to turn the corner in your health.

Quiz to see if you could be a good fit for Body Ecology Diet.

I appreciate Tara’s gradual and thorough approach because changing how you eat is overwhelming enough to learn; her calm voice and skill got me through the toughest bits. ~ C.M., Missouri

May all bellies be happy 💜

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