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Stage Two Food List for People on Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.)

Stage Two Food List for People on Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.)

Tara Carpenter, NC.

Nutritional support for people on Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.).

Originally published on April 14, 2024.

This food list is for people transitioning into Stage 2 of Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) in order to bring a health issue into balance. If you have practiced stage 1, the more strict phase of this way of eating, less than 3-6 months OR still in turmoil; tossed like a ship at sea about why that rash is re-occurring or why this, why that then you might consider staying on stage 1.

Stage TWOThe Way Out” is for people who see the light at the end of what may have been a long, dark tunnel of healing. For those who have successfully adhered to the core principles, making unsalted cultured vegetables/young green coconut kefir, maybe colon cleansing 🙂 If you feel mostly better with any health condition(s) you came into the diet with, you might be ready to start eating some (or all!) of the foods below.

I personally used this diet to help my body/inner ecosystem heal and give praise to Donna Gates (founder of this system of eating for health and healing) and to the organic healing force in us each; that spark of life. May that flame burn bright to guide your way home.

You are likely hungry after your journey! Welcome to Stage TWO; a place of flavor, texture, and hopefully less discomfort. Try re-introducing these gluten, sugar, yeast-free foods once your digestive system regains natural strength and balance. Move with awareness as you bring these foods in. Take note of uncomfortable symptoms ~ re-introduce new foods slowly, one at a time ~ eat a new food with food you know works for you to keep the guesswork out of the equation, and keep food combining 🙂 

After you introduce a new food, observe how you feel over the next 2 days – if the food settles well than try that same food in 4 day’s time, waiting 2 days to notice change in your body.  If symptom-free, consider that food safe and begin to include in day-to-day diet. Continue this careful, step-by-step method as you widen your repertoire and tend your inner garden.

Transitioning to TWO on The Body Ecology Diet

Stage TWO Food List

Introduce the following foods once any known yeast, bacteria, or viral overgrowth/infection is consistently under control. Foods marked with an (*) tend to be more difficult to digest so keep eye out for body symptoms. 



Choose raw, grass-fed, organic products from cow, goat, camel, and sheep milk.

  • Buttermilk
  • Cheese, Raw
  • Cottage Cheese (un-creamed, dry curd)
  • Cream Cheese, Cultured
  • Crème Fraiche
  • Yogurt (raw, cultured)*


Choose organic and unrefined from pastured animals.

  • Rendered Lard* (goose, duck, lamb, pork)

Fermented Food

Choose unpasteurized.

  • Adzuki Bean Miso
  • Tamari
  • Takuan (rice bran pickle)
  • Tempeh


Choose organic, local, and ripe. Fruit is easy to re-introduce as next to nothing to digest. Combines well with cheese and nuts! Summer is a hot contracting time to bring expansive cooling food into our body. 

Start with:

  • Grapefruit

Then try:

  • Kiwi

Then try:

  • Blackberries
  • Raspberries
  • Blueberries
  • Cherries, Sour (ripe, acerola/bing)
  • Gooseberries
  • Loganberry

Lastly introduce:

  • Grapes, sour
  • Kumquat
  • Orange (be careful as so sweet)
  • Peach, sour
  • Pineapple
  • Plum, sour
  • Tangelo
  • Tangerine
  • Tomato (raw)*


Choose to soak and sprout or cook. Introduce 1 grain at a time, waiting a month in between each new type. Whole grain has less sugar than flour form and always best to consume food close to the natural form because easiest for body to understand and harmonize/digest with. Slow and steady wins the race 😉

  • White Basmati Rice
  • Brown Basmati Rice (Texmati, Jasmati)
  • Pasta (rice, quinoa, buckwheat)
  • White Corn Grits (flint corn)
  • Buckwheat Soba Noodles (100%)
  • Black Bean Noodles*
  • Whole Oats (GF)
  • Cassava flour
  • Cassava and coconut tortillas


Beans are hard-to-digest because they contain both a protein and a starch. Start slowly with these. Best not to mix different types at once until you are a digestive warrior with little to no excess flatulence. White navy beans tend to be most tolerated. Soak beans and during the cooking process, can add in a strip of kombu and pinch of sea salt to be even more easier-to-digest and alkaline. Beans combine well with non-starch vegetables.


Choose a variety of nuts and enjoy in moderation, especially those suited to your blood type if that is your way. Always soak properly before consuming. 


  • Baked Blue Corn Chips (avoid refined canola oil and high oleic sunflower oil)*
  • Organic Blue Corn Tortillas*
  • Cassava Chips (made with palm oil)
  • Konjacu/Shirataki Noodles (combines well with protein/starch)
  • Popcorn (wonderful to air-pop blue corn kernels with coconut oil or cultured butter:)*


These are best eaten on their own or with a neutral food (butter, cheese, yogurt, etc.). Otherwise, some find when mixed with flour, eggs, etc. they can cause gas and bloating. 

  • Honey (raw, unpasteurized, filtered/unfiltered)*
  • Blackstrap Molasses (crude, unsulphured)*


Combines well with non-starch vegetables or sea vegetables.

  • Beets
  • Parsnips
  • Portobello Mushroom – cooked only
  • Sweet Potatoes 

Congratulations getting this far in your healing journey; please reach out with questions or concerns to my email I have professionally consulted people on Body Ecology Diet since 2014 and offer worldwide nutritional consultations via phone. Plans/prices here.


This post may contain affiliate links for “body ecology” which means I may receive a percentage of any product you purchase using the links in my posts. You pay the same price for all products and your purchase helps support my ongoing research and work. Thank you for your support!

Disclaimer: Content here is in the form of opinions, ideas, recipes, and dietary advice I provide for general information only; primarily educational in nature; and not a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional that you, the reader, may require for any cause whatsoever, now or in the future.

Transitioning to Stage TWO on The Body Ecology Diet

Lazy Guy Mayo

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