colonic The Body Ecology Diet

How I Do Home Colonics

How I Do Home Colonics

Tara Carpenter, NC.

Holistic nutrition for people on The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.).

My first colonics were done in tiny, dorm bathrooms with college friends while experimenting with “water, wheatgrass, and brown rice fasting”. I did not do another until I was 30 years old and diagnosed with a stubborn case of systemic yeast overgrowth that brought on chronic bloating, acne, and fatigue. When a friend lent me Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.), by Donna Gates,

I knew this way of eating was the answer to my prayer …. inside this book was a chapter on colon cleansing and how doing colonics can bring balance to yeast, bacterial, or viral overgrowth. I learned that if I adhered to the healing foods promoted on B.E.D. then after a short period of time the body will begin to naturally go into a cleansing mode and release pathogens (i.e., viruses, bacteria, yeast) into the intestines. 

Colonics help keep things moving along.

Colonics remove excess yeast, bacteria, and viruses living in the body.

I booked a colonic appointment with a certified I-ACT hydrotherapist and began to follow B.E.D.’s eating protocol; especially food combining. At my 4th session, I watched a ‘thick paste” move through the clear tubing. After that, I felt relieved in my bloating and encouraged to keep moving forward in this health regime. With each colonic, I felt lighter, my skin cleared, and my attitude became more upbeat. Rarely did I nap anymore!!

I loved my professional colonics, yet they came at a steep price. When my sisters called to see what I wanted for my birthday that year, I said a colenz colema board 🙂 Many years have passed since this time and still I feel good about making this sound investment. Though, I no longer use my board on a regular basis, I am glad to have one in case I need it.

Quiz to see if yeast overgrowth may be part of your health issues.

How I do a colonic:

First, here’s the board and bucket I use:

  • Fill 5-gallon bucket with warm water. We have a well and pure water, so I do this straight from the tap. If you are renting or on city water or unsure of your water quality, then you will want to boil a pot of water, cool to body temperature, and pour into colema bucket. Make sure that the valve on tube is closed so water doesn’t come out.
  • Hang bucket of water above toilet on hook; the bottom of bucket should be 2 feet from board.
  • Run clear tubing through hole on top of board, attach rectal tube (straw sticking out in photo) to tubing and open main valve, let a trickle of water out to release any water bubbles (don’t forget or water won’t flow once tube is in rectum), close valve, lubricate 3 inches of rectal tube tip with oil. 
  • Set up board on stool the height of toilet bowl, make sure sturdy enough to hold your body weight. 
  • Put down chuck pad which can be cut in half or folded because you won’t need a whole one. 
  • Place stack of towels at top of board where head will be with an extra towel (or 2!) next to the board (trust me, you’ll reach for this).
  • Lock bathroom door 🙂
  • Get on board, lube rectum with oil (I use calendula salve), insert lubricated tube, place bum against opening of board and there you stay; you shouldn’t feel the tubing or have pain or discomfort.
  • Lay back with head on towels, bend knees or stretch them up to rest on wall and cover with towel. 
  • Open valve and let warm water flow in. I keep valve open the whole time. When I first started, I had tightness/cramping, so I closed the valve here ‘n there to let cramps pass and the peristaltic reflex do its thing. Now, I let the water run and that works well.
  • When bucket is empty, close valve, flush toilet, and gently lift off rectal tubing. Slide bum to edge of board and press a piece of toilet paper there to get into the shower without any mess. 
  • Take best shower of your life! Sigh deeply and relax ….
  • Clean bathroom; sanitize everything. I joke that home colonics make my bathroom cleaner then ever! Toss chuck pad, rinse colema board in tub, and spray with disinfectant. Same with toilet, disinfect and scrub. I put rectal tube in a narrow glass jar with 10% bleach-water solution and let sanitize a few minutes. Wipe down floor and tub.
  • Leave bathroom a whole new person with a new outlook on life (+ clean bathroom); the entire process takes about 1hour start to finish.

To find a certified colon hydrotherapist, 

“The colon is the gateway to health or disease.” ~  Edward F Group III, ND

In-Home Cooking for Body Ecology Diet

Boluses for Vaginal Yeast Infection

Cleansing Before Colonoscopy

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Disclaimer: Content on this site in form of opinions, ideas, recipes, and dietary advice are provided for general information only; primarily educational in nature; and should not be treated as a substitute for your doctor’s medical advice or other health professional that you, the reader, may require for any cause whatsoever, now or in future. Always consult a doctor regarding any health problem you have and keep him/her informed to the opinions, ideas, recipes, and dietary advice that you find useful at this website.

May all bellies be happy!

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