B.E.D. Recipe The Body Ecology Diet

Pumpkin Seed Butter

This nutrient-dense pumpkin seed butter contains no sugar or unhealthy oils and is a safe alternative for “nut-free” kids. We love to spread on flax crackers, roasted nori sheets, green apples, waffles, and celery sticks 🙂

First, we eat and then we do everything else!

Pumpkin Seed Butter

Makes: 1 1/4 cup


1 1/2 c. raw pumpkin seeds (soaked/dehydrated)

4 Tbs. flax, hemp, or other cold-pressed oil

1/2 tsp. green stevia powder

1/4 tsp. nutmeg

Pinch of sea salt


Place all ingredients into a high-quality blender, such as a Vita-Mix.

Gradually increase speed to medium-high until a smooth paste.

Add more spice or sweetener as desired

Use a rubber spatula to scrape seed butter into a clean, glass jar.

Store in fridge to keep for quite some time unless there is double-dipping!


Avocado Lime Dressing

My Favorite Supplements on The Body Ecology Diet

Nutritional Consultations

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May all bellies be happy!

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