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Celebrating Halloween on The Body Ecology Diet

Celebrating Halloween on The Body Ecology Diet

Originally published on October 30th, 2019.

Tara Carpenter, NC.

Nutritional guidance for healing digestive-related health issues, especially yeast overgrowth, with The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.).

Here it is, the day before Halloween and I am officially ready to write this post. Though, I practiced Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D) since 2010, I have taken until now to sit with a quiet enough head and space around me to write because I have been busy with my kids!! Now they are mostly grown (one has left home), I find myself spilling over with fun ideas we did over the years to celebrate this spooky holiday.

I hope my list below will make celebrating with your own kiddos that much more fun ….

All food ideas listed are free of artificial colors, gluten, yeast, pasteurized dairy, and refined sugar making them perfect for kids of all ages on Body Ecology Diet B.E.D. that are healing a gut flora imbalance related health condition (i.e., Candida, autism, eczema).

I have never seen a reason why a child should be put in the position of being left out during a holiday because they can’t eat this or that. As a parent, I have done all I can to assure my children felt included during Halloween; even if corn syrup and artificial candy was where we went.

Having successfully navigated this path for many years in a row I hope my enthusiasm and dedication rubs off and you will find something below that your kids will enjoy and feel excited about!

Halloween Treats & Ideas for Kids on The Body Ecology Diet

 Okay, time to get on your broom you creative witch and make this Halloween a B.E.D-friendly one!

Note: During the initial stage of B.E.D., best to limit or avoid foods marked with an (*) if your child has bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc. These foods can be woven back in after 6+ weeks as they progress and feel better. 

Keeping Kids “Sugar-Free” at School

Make Young Green Coconut Kefir

B.E.D. Nutritional Support

May all bellies be happy!

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