Sweet Treats for The Body Ecology Diet (stage 1 & 2)
Tara Carpenter, NC.
Originally published on July 6, 2019
These treats are created for those on The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D); a unique way of eating known to help the body heal by reestablishing the inner ecosystem, eliminating dysbiosis, correcting nutrient deficiencies, strengthening adrenals, and conquering systemic infections.
I personally did this diet and felt much of the above benefit me as a whole body, whole person ๐ I was on stage 1 for a total of 3 years. No easy feat, yet I am stronger for having done so. I did miss the sweet treats!
These treats are free of gluten, yeast, refined sugar, and pasteurized dairy; all of which are recommended to avoid on stage 1 of B.E.D. All are kid-tested and adult-approved ๐
When you remove loved foods as you do with this more restricted way of eating, then you will want to fill that space with foods you can eat. Taking the time and effort to plan ahead for when the craving hits can make or break your ability to stay on course with a healing protocol like B.E.D.
Just because you eat differently doesn’t mean you stop going out or craving sweets. You will still have a social life and a sweet tooth. Life keeps going on, despite how you eat.
I remember my 1st B.E.D. Thanksgiving. I felt sorry for myself because I was excluded from the normalcy of how I always celebrated the holiday. I felt sorry for how I had to deny myself because my health was so bad off. That self-pity became my turning point … I remember that day like yesterday; I made the decision then and there to do B.E.D. full-on and feel good about that. I pulled myself up by the britches and committed to a fun healthy holiday, even if I couldn’t eat half of what was on the serving table. I made it work and hit the bulls-eye every day after; you can too.
Life is uncertain, eat dessert first. ~ Ernestine Ulmer
Sweet Treats for B.E.D.
Stage 1
Milk Kefir (blend with alcohol-free vanilla extract, chia seeds, spirulina)
Buckwheat Waffles (top with cultured butter, lakanto)
Lemonade (sweeten with stevia)
Nori Sandwich (slather one sheet with coconut oil, sprinkle with lakanto, and top with a 2nd nori sheet).
Stage 2
Note: Some of the above recipes contain coconut flour and coconut milk. If you’re on stage 1 of B.E.D., you may want to culture both before using. This extra step will introduce enzymes and probiotics and will make an otherwise dense, concentrated food easier to digest. Yes, this takes effort, but no biggie if you get to eat something yummy!
Snacks on The Body Ecology Diet
My Favorite Supplements on B.E.D.
B.E.D. Support with Tara
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May all bellies be happy!