Recipe The Body Ecology Diet

Avocado-Lime Dressing

Avocado Lime Dressing

Tara Carpenter, NC.

Holistic nutrition for digestion; specialized in yeast overgrowth. 

Originally published on June 27, 2019.

This vibrant dressing is reminiscent of a Caesar without anchovies; pure decadence whipped into a rich, creamy texture to soothe the soul!

A good dressing is a way to spice things up on a healing protocol like Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.). Keeping a variety of condiments on hand turns the trick on hitting that bullseye day in and day out.

Avocado-Lime Dressing

Yields: n/a


1 avocado, ripe

2-3 Tbsp lime juice, fresh

2 Tbsp avocado oil

½ tsp mustard

1 garlic clove

½ tsp cumin powder

¼ tsp sea salt or Herbamore 

½ – ¾ cup pure water


  1. Place all ingredients, except the water, in a blender or food processor.
  2. Process until smooth, stopping to scrape down the sides a few times.
  3. Slowly add water until it reaches a dressing consistency.
  4. Taste and add more sea salt if needed; some like up to ½ tsp.
  5. Store in a glass jar in the fridge for up to 5 days.

Tips & Tricks

  • Substitute cold-pressed flax or olive oil for avocado oil.
  • Add less water for a thicker sauce; add even less water for a dip-like texture.
  • Delicious served with crispy millet croquettes.
  • Top on green salad with diced red pepper and cucumbers.

“You can’t make everyone happy, you’re not an avocado” 🙂

Lazy Guy Mayo

Easter on Body Ecology Diet

B.E.D. Support with Tara, NC.

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May all bellies be happy!

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