Tips for Making Probiotic-Rich Bubbly Jelly
Tara Carpenter, NC.
Nutritional support for various health issues, especially digestive-related and using Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) to heal bacterial, yeast, and viral overgrowth.

Regular jelly isn’t ‘allowed’ on a gut healing diet like Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D); which recommends to avoid sugar (except lakanto, stevia, ecobloom) until the gut/digestive system is in a better place. Until then it’s best to kefir jelly with probiotics to reduce the concentrated fruit sugar. Your belly might thank you 🙂
Here’s my recipe for bubbly blueberry jelly
Below you will find what I have learned about making probiotic-rich jelly taste good and my tips for getting a good result every time:
- If you want to keep original batch of bubbly blueberry jelly around longer:
- Keep another jar of non-kefired jelly around and feed a scoop of it to your bubbly jelly whenever it looks thin or overly fizzy. You basically just want to make sure the probiotics in there have enough to chomp on. Otherwise your yummy bubbly jelly will turn into gross alcohol-like jelly.
- Stir fresh non-kefired jelly into in and put in the fridge.
- Sometimes I add in a small scoop of Ecobloom (a prebiotic = food for the probiotics in the jelly)
- You can also transfer some of this initial batch to start a 2nd batch
- Add 1 1/2 Tbs of this 1st batch to another cup of jelly.
- Follow the same instructions as above to kefir a new batch.
- On and on you go using the previous batch of bubbly jelly to get the next jar going.
- If a batch spoils, start fresh again.
- Start fresh after 7 times of recycling.
- If you want to keep original batch of bubbly blueberry jelly around longer:
Ways to use bubbly jelly…
- Add a spoonful to a bowl of milk kefir, ‘super greens‘, soaked almonds, and pomegranate seeds.
- Add a dollop to green smoothies for a boost of probiotics and a sweet ‘n sour taste.
- Great for kids or anyone with a sweet tooth.
- Swirl into coconut pudding with grated sour green apples and chia seeds.
- Slather on flax crackers with cultured butter.
By the way…
- Change things up by using strawberry, blueberry, or apricot jelly.
- I think that Body Ecology has the best culture starter to make bubbly jelly with.
- You don’t have to be on B.E.D. to use bubbly jelly …. we can all use less sugar and more probiotics ?
Probiotic Cultured Butter: Recipe
Parsley Power: A Green Vegetable Smoothie 
My Favorite Supplements on The Body Ecology Diet
May all bellies be happy!
One reply on “Tips for Making Probiotic-Rich Bubbly Jelly”
You are amazing, Tara! You have a true knack for this way of cooking. Thank you for sharing with us.