healing Recipe

Making Raw “Liver Pills”

Making Raw “Liver Pills”

Holistic nutrition for digestion; specialized in yeast overgrowth. 

Tara Carpenter, NC.

Raw liver pills are a no-fuss, flavorless way to eat liver and easy as taking a multi-vitamin. The hardest part is sourcing pastured beef liver and two, getting in the kitchen to make them!

See here how my family eats liver.

I will state the importance of sourcing pasture-raised cow liver or get from a local farmer who freezes the liver soon after slaughtering. Do NOT use conventional supermarket liver as you will be consuming these raw and conventional liver is a health risk due to poor bacteria levels.

Raw Beef Liver Pills


100% grass-fed/pastured beef liver, partially thaw if frozen


  1. Thaw liver if frozen, but not completely or it will be hard to cut.
  2. Rinse liver and pat it dry with a paper towel.
  3. Cut liver into pea-sized chunks– about size of a regular pill.
  4. Place pieces, separated, on a parchment-lined cookie sheet.
  5. Flash-Freeze for 15 minutes or until solid, so don’t clump together.
  6. Transfer frozen liver pills to airtight container; store in freezer.
  7. Swallow 2-4 frozen pills/day or how many fit for your body.

Tips & Tricks

  • Further eliminate risk of parasites by freezing liver 14 days before cutting into pills. If you trust your farmer you may not need to be concerned about freezing; esp. if 100% grass-fed (not grain-fed).
  • If liver is fresh, put in freezer until hardens a bit to make the cutting process easier.
  • 2-4 liver ‘pills’ a day add to 1/2 – 1 ounce per week, which equals 1 serving of beef liver per week (average of 2-3 oz of liver can be safely consumed per week by most source).
  • Do not make “pills” too big or may get stuck in throat.
  • Best to consume “liver pills” on a regular basis for good results.
  • Beef and bison liver deliver the most bang for your buck.

Other ways to take liver pills: CLICK to purchase Radiant Life’s desiccated liver capsules made from the livers of grass-fed cows without added fillers. They are expensive, so if you prefer liver in dried, capsule form check out this site to make your own. Personally, I keep a handful of dehydrators and use my biggest to dry strips of beef liver in and then pulverize them in a magic bullet and encapsulate using a capsule maker. This is an affordable way to make them if you have the equipment.

Where to Get Pastured Liver 

  1. Local Harvest – enter zip code and find local farmers.
  2. Weston A Price Foundation – get in touch with local chapter for pasture-raised liver.
  3. White Oak Pastures – trusted company with pastured liver.

What about cooked liver? Cooked liver is great, yet cooking destroys the enzymes in raw liver and leaves behind mainly nutrients (exception of delicate B vitamins). If you can’t source high quality liver to consume in raw form, then cook liver with one of these recipes.

                    My son eating cow liver gently fried in coconut oil.

Benefits of Eating Liver for Women

Cultured Butter: A Probiotic Recipe

Parsley Power: Green Vegetable Smoothie


Empowered Sustenance (2013). The Easiest Way to Eat Liver. Retrieved at

Healthy Home Economist (2013). Exhausted? This Superfood Can Get You Off the Couch! Retrieved at

Primally Inspired (2013). Frozen Raw Liver Pills. Retrieved at

Razaitis, L. (2005). Recipes & Lore About Our Most Important Sacred Food. Retrieved at

Disclaimer: Content on this site in the form of opinions, ideas, recipes, and dietary advice are provided for general information only; primarily educational in nature; and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your health care professional that you, the reader, may require for any cause whatsoever, now or in future. Always consult your doctor regarding any health issue that you have and keep him or her informed as to the opinions, ideas, recipes, and dietary advice offered on this site that you find useful.

 May all bellies be happy!

5 replies on “Making Raw “Liver Pills””

What about chicken liver or pork liver? Different nutrient profile but still wonderful! Just make sure they are pastured and hormone free. I am right now about to make dessicated liver capsules. Will post a recipe for that soon, Tara

Hi! I am trying to heal nutrients defencieies and want to start raw liver. I tested blood positive to being allergic to beef. Do you think I should avoid beef liver? If so is there an alternative “liver pill” I dam consume? Thanks!

Yes, soaking liver in lemon juice, milk, buttermilk, sour milk, or vinegar sort of draws any impurities. It will also improve the taste of liver by tenderizing it and neutralizing its strong flavor/bitterness.

I source pasture-raised liver for making my raw liver capsules and desiccated liver capsules so I don’t find the need to soak due to impurities. I also don’t mind the flavor of liver when I take them as pills because I don’t taste anything when I swallow them…the beauty of taking liver in capsule form!! If I make a dish out of liver I do soak in one of the acids above.

Hello! I found your site while researching ways to prevent HG. I am blogging my journey and have linked to your articles, which I think are going to be invaluable to me. I have a question about preparing the liver. In Nourishing Traditions it is recommended to soak the livers in lemon juice before making pâté (my only liver experience), I’m wondering if, especially since these “pills” are raw, it would be a good idea to do that as well? Thank you!

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