B.E.D. Candida The Body Ecology Diet

A Woman’s Testimonial: “B.E.D. Support with Tara”

A Woman’s Testimonial: “B.E.D. Support with Tara”

Tara Carpenter, NC.

Holistic nutrition for people on The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.).

Every now and then I receive a testimonial worth sharing with the bigger world …. this is one of them. The lady behind the words is a lovely, vivacious woman who took hold of the reins of her life to experience a bounty of depth and wellness. I am touched by her kindness.

Hannah ….

I discovered The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) at a time in life when I was stuck in an unhealthy relationship that didn’t feel good and in a body that didn’t feel good. I had spent years struggling with my health and various versions of disordered eating.

I was 100 pounds overweight, my joints hurt, I was sick all the time, and I had allergic reactions to everything. I was chronically exhausted with a hopelessly weak constitution, something I feared would last the rest of my life. I was only 23 years old.

Though I was not ready to look at my relationship, I was desperate to address my physical pain. Tara was a blessing in this time and supported me in understanding the intricacies of the nutritional theory and supported me in the practical application of adopting the plan (meal planning, snacks, and managing emotional eating compulsion.) 

Tara helped break The Body Ecology Diet protocol down into steps, so it wasn’t an oppressive amount of restriction overnight. Over the course of a year and a half on the program, all of my health ails reversed.

I lost those hundred extra pounds, fell in love with unsalted sauerkraut, and developed an appetite for real nutrition in food (not just empty carbs.) I learned how to feed myself. This is what allowed me to leave a relationship that wasn’t working and change my whole life several times over, each time leaning into my resilient body and mind.

Though I don’t currently follow any particular form of B.E.D. eating. I’m convinced the year and a half I spent pursuing B.E.D. with Tara’s support changed my constitution deeply and established a foundation of health that carried me forward in life with a totally different story.

Now, my body is strong and vital with plenty of energy, and I regenerate (heal) easily. Tara helped me to build a bridge back to my body where everything begins.

~ written by Hannah, NY, NY. (yoga therapist, postural educator, professional cuddler, yes there is such a thing 🙂


Healing Meal Plans

B.E.D. Nutritional Support

If you have a testimonial, send to with a photo 🙂

May all bellies be happy!

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