Disclaimer for “B.E.D. Support” Nutritional Consultations
Tara Carpenter, NC.
Holistic nutrition for people on The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.).

I offer “B.E.D. Support” nutritional consultations for people on The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) as well as meal plans and in-home cooking. To book a nutritional consult or 15-minute complimentary phone call, email tara@happybellies.net or call #1-802-595-0726/EST.
I, Tara Carpenter, am a Holistic Nutrition Consultant (NC) certified with Bauman College and a Personal Therapeutic Chef trained with The Culinary Business Academy. I am not a licensed physician who treats, manages, diagnoses, or prevents medical, or psychological conditions or diseases.
The nutritional support that I provide in the form of opinions, ideas, recipes, and dietary advice are provided for general information only; primarily educational in nature; and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your doctor or other licensed health care provider that you, the reader, may require for any cause whatsoever, now or in future.
I, Tara Carpenter, am not liable for loss or damage caused by your belief in information you acquire. Always consult your doctor regarding any health problem you have and keep him or her informed to the opinions, ideas, recipes, and dietary advice offered that you find helpful or would like to adhere to.
I am not licensed by the State of Vermont, nor do I offer medical advice or make promises, implied or expressed, to any result that you might obtain by adhering to my opinions mentioned in our conversations, on handouts that you receive, or within our email exchanges.
You understand it is your responsibility to maintain a relationship with a licensed health care provider and consult him/her before implementing diet or lifestyle changes that may affect your health and continue medical treatments, therapies, and health practices unless provider says different. You are encouraged to follow up with your provider for areas of concern.
Booking a nutritional consultation or package plan with me means that you agree to have read and understood this disclaimer. You agree to the nature of services offered and release and discharge Tara Carpenter and Happy Bellies, LLC. from claims and demands of every nature which you have now, or in future, as a result of accepting and following the suggestions, opinions and service offered.
May all bellies be happy!