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Is Your Unborn Baby at Risk for GBS+?

Group B strep (GBS) is a transient pathogenic bacterium sporadically present in the gastrointestinal tract and reproductive system. Typically, these microscopic life forms do not cause any harm, yet have the potential to present problems for pregnant women and their growing babies.

If you test positive for GBS infection it may mean you are a group B strep carrier rather than a definitive indication that your baby will become ill. Often, it is the babies that are born to moms with large amounts of GBS who are at the greatest risk of becoming infected.

1 out of every 200 babies whose mom carries GBS, and is not treated with antibiotics, will develop GBS disease symptoms. Left untreated, the chance of a baby developing GBS infection (born to GBS+ mom) is 1 in 200. If mom receives antibiotics in labor, the odds are 1 in 4000.

You can see how certain factors can put you at higher risk of delivering a baby with GBS+.

Risk Factors for Newborn Developing GBS+

  • Mom’s culture test comes back GBS+
  • Mom has severe urinary tract infection in last trimester
  • Baby born before 37 weeks gestation (pre-term labor)
  • Mom’s water breaks 17+ hours before delivery
  • Mom has an infection of placental tissues and amniotic fluid (chorioamnionitis)
  • GBS bacteria detected in mom’s urine (bacteriuria) during current/previous pregnancy
  • Mom eats a highly processed/refined sugar diet (Body Ecology Diet is a great way to eat to avoid GBS+)
  • Mom runs fever before or during labor, 100 F + (38 C +)
  • Baby has a sustained rapid heartbeat during labor
  • Mom had prior delivery of an infant with GBS +
  • Mom is carrying twins or other multiples

10 Ways to Avoid  GBS+ in Pregnancy

Group B Strep & The Body Ecology Way To Overcome It

B.E.D. Nutritional Support (via phone or Skype)


Gardner, J. (1987). Vaginal Infections.  Healing Yourself During Pregnancy. Freedom, CA.: The Crossing Press

Iannelli, V.  M.D. (2004).  More About Group B Strep.  Retrieved from

Nettleman, Mary.  M.D. (2009).  Group B Strep Infection. Retrieved from

The Group B Strep Association (n.d.).  Awareness of Group B Streptococcus Infection During Pregnancy.  Retrieved from 

Disclaimer: This content is for general information only; primarily educational in nature; and should not be treated as a substitute for medical advice of your health care professional that you, the reader, may require for any cause whatsoever, now or in the future. 

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