Healing Postpartum Infections with Body Ecology Diet Nutrition Consultant specialized in helping people regain natural microbiome after yeast, bacterial, and viral infections. Tara Carpenter, NC. Originally published on March 22, 2024. Birth can invite a host of changes for the new mother; my sister here in the above photograph (my older one!) had her 3rd […]
Category: babies
Turning Transverse or Breech Babies Tara Carpenter, CPES. Bringing hormonal support to new mothers in Vermont since 2011. Many pregnant moms become distressed when they find out baby is transverse or breech; often only weeks left before estimated due date (EDD). This puts a spin on things because if baby doesn’t turn ‘in time’ a […]
Feeding your baby is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. No doubt that breast milk from a nourished mother is the best option for baby, yet this is not always possible. In this formula, milk is diluted with water and whey and supplemented with lactose, cod liver oil that gives it a similar nutrient profile to human milk.