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Spring Cooking in Vermont

Where I live in the valley of Vermont, spring is a combination of muddy roads and loads of snow melting into the rivers from the mountains above.

Cooking takes on a whole new feel when spring rolls around. All I want to do is be outside and when I do venture in the kitchen, I simplify the menu and change up my cooking styles to reflect the coming warm winds and new growth and cool rains ?

Compared to winter cooking, my spring cooking is light n’ lively.

In the same way that the earth warms to allow new growth to come, I too harmonize with the shift of spring. I prepare food in a way that’s more light and easy. Like blanching, steaming, and quick sauteing.

Vegetables such as sprouts, leafy greens and wild grasses (dandelion greens, chives, etc.) are a great addition to meals. Strong seasonings replace lighter ones such as miso and fresh herbs for a refreshing flavor.

Spring is a time for subtly tart and sour foods.

The sour taste of unsalted probiotic food like cultured vegetables and young coconut kefir satisfy us and allow the liver to detoxify and relax. As the weather warm, there’s a tendency to crave more fruit and ice cream and probiotic food can help squelch these sweet cravings along with quick-cooked vegetables and lightly pressed salads.

Moving with grace during the shift in seasons.

It’s not unusual for one of the kids to have congestion and discharge during the spring months, often referred to as hay fever or seasonal allergies. This is natural and often due to the thawing process of cold energy, both inside and outside of our body, occurring at a deep level.

The warm spring air wakes up this deep energy in us, an energy that’s been laying dormant for months. This can appear as discharge through our nose, eyes, mouth, ears. Strep and conjunctivitis are common health conditions during this time.

Depending on how balanced our overall diet and health was during the winter months, this discharge can be mild or downright not comfortable. By aligning our food and cooking methods with the spring season, we can more easily harmonize with the energy of spring.

10 Ways to Detox Your Liver

Recipe for Unsalted Cultured Vegetables

B.E.D. Nutritional Support via phone/Skype

May all bellies be happy!

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