Hello Enzymes, Goodbye Bloating Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition Consultant helping people regain natural gut microbiome after yeast, bacterial, and viral infections. Originally published on June 5, 2015. I don’t struggle much anymore with digestive issues (i.e. gas, constipation, brain fog) yet I did a few years ago when I had systemic yeast overgrowth candida that […]
Tag: Body Ecology
Traditional Recipe for Flax-Onion Crackers Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutritional support worldwide for digestive-related health issues; especially yeast overgrowth with Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.). These crackers are rich in flax seeds which are full of fiber and omega-3’s. They’re also crispy, easy to digest, and can relieve constipation; one of Nature’s digestive cleansers. Onions are a […]
Do unsalted, cultured vegetables cause botulism? Tara Carpenter, NC. Originally published on October 28, 2012 This is the question I get asked most in the unsalted cultured food workshops I teach. People tend to be stumped on how cultured vegetables will stay fresh and safe if they don’t contain salt. Unsalted cultured vegetables are new […]
The cultured food I am talking about here does not contain salt …. cultured butter, creme fraiche, coconut kefir, cultured vegetables; all living foods made with probiotic starter*. NO salt. See more about that bit here. When you eat unsalted, cultured food, the probiotics in them will go into your gut/inner ecosystem and set up shop where […]
Beans (i.e. lentils, kidney beans, peas, peanuts) are versatile, economical, and rich in B vitamins, minerals and omega fats. Unfortunately, they’re also high in anti-nutrients, including phytic acid* and lectins.** These anti-nutrients can reduce our