Pregnancy The Body Ecology Diet

Eating to Prevent GBS Infection in Pregnancy

One way to decrease the chance of group B strep infection (GBS+) during pregnancy is to build up your birth canal with good bacteria that naturally discourage excess GBS overgrowth. The best way to do this is to eat foods that do not ‘feed’ the bacteria and naturally prevent them from growing too large in numbers.

Group B strep bacteria live in every expectant mom’s birth canal and are normally harmless. They cause a problem though when allowed to populate in numbers greater than the beneficial flora/probiotics) that also live in your body. If GBS bacteria do grow at a faster rate, this could throw off the gut’s homeostasis (a.k.a. inner ecosystem) and lead to a GBS+ diagnosis.

The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) is the best protocol I know to keep this common infection at bay. If I could have my babies over again, I’d start this way of eating before conceiving because the recommended foods do not feed the GBS and are rich in probiotics, healthy fats, protein, and essential minerals that nourish you, and your growing baby, during pregnancy, If you want support in getting started on this diet, I am a Holistic Nutritionist and offer B.E.D. Support to implement diet changes that may help prevent/reverse a GBS+ diagnosis. 

Key foods that do not ‘feed’ GBS bacteria:

  • Animal protein that is grass-fed and hormone/antibiotic-free helps builds cell membranes and body tissue (organs, wild meat, beef, chicken).
  • Plant protein that is organic and non-gmo is a secondary source of protein to nourish the body (i.e. lima beans, almonds, pumpkin seed butter).
  • Cultured dairy that is raw, pastured, organic, and made with b.e.d. starter contains probiotics that stand up to GBS bacteria (i.e. milk kefircultured butter).
  • Eggs that are organic, free-range, and omega-3 rich are rich in amino acids, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamin B12, and minerals; especially choline.
  • Wild fish that is from cold ocean waters are rich in protein, zinc, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids EPA/DHA (fish to eat and fish to avoid).
  • Healthy fat that is pastured and organic is the body’s preferred source of energy (i.e. tallow, lard, cold-pressed coconut oil).
  • Ocean vegetables from clean waters are rich in alkaline minerals and strengthen every corner of the body (i.e. arame, dulse, ocean extract, nori).
  • Non + mild-starch vegetables that are organic and non-gmo are alkalizing, hydrating, and rich in vitamins/minerals (i.e. kale, collards, carrots, burdock).
  • Starchy vegetables that are organic and non-gmo are a steady source of energy rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals (i.e. squash, artichokes, peas). 
  • Seed-like grains that are organic contain amino acids, fiber, minerals, and healthy fat for slow ‘n steady energy (i.e. millet, buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth).
  • Unsalted cultured food that is made with b.e.d. starter is alive and alkalizing and rich in enzymes, minerals, plus probiotics (i.e. cocobiotic, cv’s, yck).
  • Stevia/Lakanto are sweeteners that do not feed harmful pathogens in the body or make the blood acidic like sugar or honey will (safe for diabetics).
  • Green tea is antioxidant-rich, and contains smaller amounts of caffeine (25-45mg vs. 95-200mg) than coffee (i.e. jasmine, ujido matcha, white tea).

Seeding A C-Section Baby

Good Read Before You Get Pregnant

GBS+ During Pregnancy

Disclaimer: This content is for general information only; primarily educational in nature; and should not be treated as a substitute for medical advice of your health care professional that you, the reader, may require for any cause whatsoever, now or in the future. 

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Gardner, J. (1987). Vaginal Infections.  Healing Yourself During Pregnancy. Freedom, CA.: The Crossing Press

Gates, D. (2007). Strep B and The Body Ecology Recommendations to Prevent and Overcome It. Retrieved from

Iannelli, V.  M.D. (2004).  More About Group B Strep.  Retrieved from

Nettleman, Mary.  M.D. (2009).  Group B Strep Infection. Retrieved from

The Group B Strep Association (n.d.).  Awareness of Group B Streptococcus Infection During Pregnancy.  Retrieved from 

May all bellies be happy!

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