Fermented Cod Liver Oil

How We Take Fermented Cod Oil (FCLO)


I am not an affiliate for Green Pastures. I am a group buyer to bring my community great quality oil at a reduced price.

We take fermented cod liver oil (FCLO) every day, twice a day, year round. My husband likes straight-up no flavor, I like the chocolate, my oldest likes caramel, and my youngest licks spoon clean of any kind. When we travel, I pack a bottle of fclo capsules to keep things easy.

Green Pastures

Not everyone likes the taste – or the smell – but here are tricks to getting it down. Green Pasture is the only FCLO distributor here in the U.S. and is a family-owned company that make flavors like chocolate, caramel, carob-banana, orange, and cinnamon. Of course if you go with capsules, you’ll get this stuff down no problem, just that you bypass the mouth which is usually where many people want the healing. Suggested dosages here.

My story

I used to not be able to brush my teeth because they were so sensitive. I used Sensodyne toothpaste and had to be numb to get my teeth cleaned; seemed like I had a new cavity every time I went to the dentist and anything too cold or hot made them ache. After 2 months of taking cod liver oil, my dentist couldn’t believe how my teeth had improved. I no longer needed anything but a gentle cleaning every 6 months and got a gold star at every appointment. Hard to believe, but now my teeth feel as strong as rocks 😀

FCLO isn’t magic


If your teeth are already in rough shape, FCLO may not be a cure-all. There are other important things to do for dental health (Ramiel Nagel’s book is a good place to start). In my opinion, I think that this oil is most beneficial for enamel erosion, tooth sensitivity, gum recession, surface cavities, and in-between teeth cavities.

FCLO helps these issues the most because when you swish the oil in your mouth the good fats and nutrients get in there and fill in the areas most in need of healing. In this way, FCLO is like ‘oil pulling’ but better! If this is what you’re after then check out Green Pasture’s Royal Butter Blend for fast-acting support.

I’ll tell you a story about my own giving up, surrendering to the inevitable …. for years, I tried to rescue a couple of teeth that had been going south since my first son was born. One tooth had been fractured when I was a kid and the decay had gone deep in, the other was a wisdom tooth and too hard for the dentist to get at to fix. After trying many things, including high doses of FCLO, I put my hands up and had them both removed.

My kids

My youngest is 12 now and hasn’t had a cavity yet which many find surprising because he can’t eat dairy, which is usually depended on to calcify teeth. Yet, since he was a baby I’ve given him bone stock, fish bones, salmon heads, seaweed, and of course, FCLO. My 18 year old had a cavity before starting cod oil, but not since. Fingers crossed, knock on wood, and FCLO down the hatch.

How I got into this stuff

I learned about fermented cod liver oil from Cure Tooth Decay. Most of the ideas in this book worked for me, so I decided to order a bottle of FCLO from Green Pasture. At first, I only liked the capsules, then I liked the cinnamon oil, and now I like the chocolate flavored Royal Blend 😉 After years of taking this oil, I became a Group Buyer. Now, I buy dozens of bottles at once to share with my community at a discounted price.

cod oil capsules -google image

Dosages for Fermented Cod Liver Oil

Cultured Butter: Probiotic Recipe

Cannabis Cacao Butter …. in Capsules

Disclaimer: This content is for general information only; primarily educational in nature; and should not be treated as a substitute for medical advice of your doctor that you, the reader, may require for any cause whatsoever, now or in future. Consult  a medical doctor regarding any health problem and keep him fully informed to the opinions, ideas, and dietary advice offered on this site you find useful.

May all bellies be happy!

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