The Body Ecology Diet Yeast infection

Bubbly Blueberry Jelly: Probiotic-Rich Recipe

Bubbly Blueberry Jelly: Probiotic-Rich Recipe

Tara Carpenter, NC.

Holistic nutrition for people on The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.).

Originally published September 10, 2016

Early to mid-August in Vermont tends to be blueberry season where I live, and my boys pick up to 4 gallons most years. We can only eat so much before our teeth start to hurt, so I freeze the bulk of them by laying the berries out on as many trays as needed; then double-bag in Ziploc freezer bags. This way, the berries won’t stick together when you use them later.

I reserve mushy berries to puree with chia (or flax) seeds and pour into ice cube trays that go in freezer too. The nicest berries are put aside to make jello, almond crusted tarts, fruit leather, and of course blueberry jelly 🙂

I stopped eating normal jelly while healing a systemic yeast infection with Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.); a gut healing protocol that avoids sugar, including fruit sugar. I also like food combining and find it hard to find anything that jelly ‘combines’ with, though pretty tasty on raw flax crackers with pumpkin seed butter 😉 Jelly contains fruit sugar/fructose; a perfect food for any pathogenic organisms living in your body that may be causing you health issues at the moment or flare-up episodes. Removing jelly, and other forms of sugar, can starve pathogenic bacteria and yeast (a.k.a. die-off) and support your body to do what does best, heal itself.

The good news is 3 types of sweeteners are ‘allowed’ on B.E.D.; lakanto, ecobloom, and stevia; none of which influence blood sugar and safe for people with gut issues or diabetes. A few months into my sugar-free diet, I got the idea to kefir a jar of homemade blueberry jelly to get the sugar content down to nil. I already kefired other stuff, so wasn’t a stretch. I did a trial run and YES!

Super easy and probiotic-rich, recipe below…

Bubbly Blueberry Jelly: Probiotic-Rich Recipe 

Makes: As much as you want!


1 (8oz) jar of organic, sugar-free blueberry jelly

1 1/2 Tbsp young coconut kefir (homemade or store-bought)


  1. Clean a one cup Mason jar until squeaky clean.
  2. Mix ingredients together.
  3. Screw on lid.
  4. Let sit in a warm spot for 2-3 days at 72-74°F degrees F (we sell oven kits to maintain consistent temperatures).
  5. The probiotics have done their magic when bubbles rise up the sides of the jar and lid becomes pressurized.
  6. Store in fridge and eat within a week.
  7. Check out tips & tricks to maintain a bubbly jelly.

For those on B.E.D. or practicing food combining…

I think this recipe is best for the later stages of B.E.D. or other kind of healing diet. At least, this is what I did. The longer you kefir jelly, the less fruit sugar will be in there, see how this food works for you. There’s also the food combining. Imo, probiotic jelly is a fruit and best combined with soaked nuts, seeds, cheese, avocado, other fats and fruit. I food combine to keep gas, bloating, and other uncomfortable digestive issues at bay.

I use this jelly in the morning by the spoonful mixed into a bowl of milk kefir, chia seeds, and green powder or swirled into a bowl of young coconut pudding with grated sour apple and soaked almonds. My favorite is slathered on raw flax crackers with cultured butter 

Tips on Making Bubbly Jelly

Food Combining Chart for Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.)

Nutritional Consultations with Tara, NC.

May all bellies be happy!

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