B.E.D. Recipe The Body Ecology Diet

Going Skiing on B.E.D. (Body Ecology Diet) ⛷

My husband and I decided to go to Attitash Ski Resort for the holidays. The kids are each with their dad which gives us the freedom to celebrate Christmas however we want. And though I’m not big on skiing I am BIG on sweating in the sauna, snowshoeing on back trails, and catching up with my husband slash ski enthusiast for a mid-day meal.

We rented a studio at the base of the slopes that has a kitchenette – fridge and all – so that right there makes traveling on Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) much easier. As many of you know, I do a lot of camping in the summer, so this type of traveling is a real luxury … I’m already in awe at how much less “things” I need to bring! Talk about freedom ?

Way easier then I am used to…

We are packed and ready to leave first thing tomorrow and though I didn’t set out to write a post tonight, I have some time on my hands and thought I’d share what I prepared to bring with us in the food department. Keep in mind that neither my husband or I are on the strict healing stage of the diet, so we have more leisure as to what to pack. That said, we have been on some form of B.E.D. since 2010 and are pretty easy-going with everything by now. We also no longer struggle so much with our health as we once did. Thank God.

Moving and grooving…

I packed digestive enzymes and a probiotic to keep us moving ‘n grooving, but the staples of this diet are well wrapped up in what we do naturally. We are in the flow! Less trying, more doing. When I say, “the staples” I mean the soaked grain, the unsalted cultured food, knowing how to food combine, and so on.

The photo up to the right is the bulk of our meals in a thermal cooler. Again, we will have a kitchen so the idea is to bring enough to munch on in the first couple of days to take the bulk of the cooking load off, while still having a few non-perishables on hand if we need them. We plan on stopping at a health food store to pick up a bag of organic veggies to complement what I am bringing (80/20 remember) and the plan is to dine out once or twice during our 4 days away. That’s it, easy peasy. I will say that my husband and I did have a snappy moment earlier today because we have different styles on what and how much to bring (!) but overall we agree that bringing food from home keeps our bellies happy while on the go in the world.

All said, I am going to keep this short as I was not expecting to get hit with the “writing bug”!!

What we are bringing on our ski trip:

Getting Men Into B.E.D.

‘Travel Food List’ for The Body Ecology Diet 

B.E.D. Support with Tara 

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May all bellies be happy!

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