Recipe The Body Ecology Diet

Traditional Recipe for Flax-Onion Crackers

Traditional Recipe for Flax-Onion Crackers

Tara Carpenter, NC.

Nutritional support worldwide for digestive-related health issues; especially yeast overgrowth with Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.).

These crackers are rich in flax seeds which are full of fiber and omega-3’s. They’re also crispy, easy to digest, and can relieve constipation; one of Nature’s digestive cleansers. Onions are a main ingredient because they have antibacterial properties that stimulate gastric juices to get things moving. Sound yummy? They are and can make your belly happy too 🙂

I created this recipe while practicing stage1 of Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) to heal yeast overgrowth. This way of eating avoids processed foods, like crackers made with flour, because such foods feed the pathogenic yeast, bacteria, and viruses living in the body.

This is a friendly cracker for anyone who is Paleo, GAPS, B.E.D., vegan, or gluten-free. My family spreads them with pumpkin seed butter, pesto, or cultured butter. They travel well and are C-R-U-N-C-H-Y.

Flax-Onion Crackers

Makes: 75 four-inch square crackers 


8 cup filtered water

6 cup flax seeds

3 1/2 cup pureed yellow onions (about 2 lbs or 3 large onions)

1 1/2 tbs Herbamare seasoning salt (or 1 tbs. sea salt)


  1. Soak flax seeds in the water until they are absorbed, about 30-60 minutes.
  2. Puree onion in a food processor or blender.

  3. Add in sea salt or Herbamare and pulse until blended.

  4. Pour onion mixture  into bowl of flax seeds and stir.

  5. Cover dehydrator trays with paraflexx non-stick sheets or parchment paper*.

  6. Place about 3 cups onion-flax mixture on each tray; spread evenly.

  7. Move trays to a dehydrator set at 115 degrees (F).

  8. Dehydrate 4-6 hrs., FLIP, and dehydrate 3-4 hrs. more to desired chewy or crispness.

  9. Store in Mason jars or well-sealed containers in a cool, dry area.


  • This recipe fills 5 trays in an Excalibur Food Dehydrator.
  • If you don’t have a dehydrator, dry crackers in 110-118 degrees (F)* oven on baking trays with parchment paper (lay paper over sides for easy removal), bake 24-36 hours until crispy. If underside of cracker is still soft, flip it and bake a bit longer.
  • For perfectly squared crackers, remove trays from dehydrator after 5-7 hours and score in 4-inch sized crackers.

*If heat goes over 130 degrees (F), crackers become bitter from oxidation and can cause a burning in mouth/throat.

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4 replies on “Traditional Recipe for Flax-Onion Crackers”

The flax seeds are soaked which makes all the difference as far as absorption. I am not a fan of grinding flax seeds as they go rancid so quickly. You can though add some of the soaked whole seeds to the blender when you are pureeing the onion.

If the flax seed is whole doesn’t it pass through the GI tract undigested? Have you tried this recipe with ground flax?

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