Supplements The Body Ecology Diet

LivAmend Capsules to Support Your Liver

LivAmend Capsules to Support Your Liver

Tara Carpenter, NC.

Nutritional Consultant for people on The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.).

Of all the supplements that Donna Gates of The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) created (in blue dress below), livamend is my favorite. Next is Vitality Supergreens then Ancient Minerals 🙂 Like shoes I’d love them all to pick and choose from on a regular basis, tuning in to what my body needed on any given day. Sigh …. My own liver organ works less than efficiently because I have a gene mutation MTHFR, so my liver loves all the help I can get. I also drink lemon water and green smoothies; eat unsalted probiotic food and do colonics and castor packs

I did keep a bottle of Assist digestive enzymes in my purse because my bloating was through the roof and caused a tremendous amount of pain. Thank God for Donna Gates and her tireless work to support digestion. 10 ways to stimulate/detox the liver in a gentle, natural way.

Dosage & Ingredients

LivAmend contains wasabi, sarsaparilla, artichoke extract, and milk thistle. These potent liver cleansers work synergistically. You can take extra milk thistle (2 capsules = 60mg) so don’t be shy if you already take milk thistle, you can still do that. Do your own research please. The label says 1-2 capsules with morning/evening meals and to improve bowel elimination use up to 9 capsules/day. No matter how many you take, start slow. 

Looking back, I can see my liver was backed up (congested) ….

When I started LivAmend, I took 2 capsules morning/evening and my body reacted with face acne, black spots darting in my eyesight, and a deep ‘liver line’ (crease between eyes on forehead). Around my nose became irritated and red which happens if my liver is stimulated. I went back to 1 capsule in morning/evening, yet still felt triggered.

Over time, I stopped taking them because I thought them too strong. I instead turned my attention to home colonics to ease toxic load. Once I felt my body flow better and have better circulation I resumed. For me, LivAmend was too strong in the beginning, and I had to build up my tolerance. These days I easily take 2 capsules a.m./p.m. without distress.

My Liver Story

I was on The Body Ecology Diet (gut healing protocol) for a year before I started LivAmend to help with the after-effects of GBS+ I had in both my last pregnancies. With my baby girl, I had a miscarriage and few hours after went into a sepsis shock which demanded I take strong antibiotics for months afterwards. Then with my last pregnancy (my youngest son) I had thrush after he was born and diagnosed with systemic yeast overgrowth.

I knew the toxins that the Candida albicans were producing inside me, aka die-off, affected my liver in a negative way and that I needed to do something. During all this I learnt I had high levels of arsenic and if I did not focus on cleaning my liver, I’d face more allergies and sensitivities. This is what ultimately put me into action to find ways to support and relax my liver. This is when I discovered LivAmend. 

Nowadays, I am careful not to take more LivAmend then my body can handle because otherwise I will go into a ‘cleansing mode’ and need to carve out time to rest and detox. Life is full and I don’t always have time for such cleansing. Silly I know, yet true.

Springtime is liver cleanse time.

Spring is a natural time to cleanse liver as the power of Nature is on your side to literally “push” things along. A cleansing crisis is not bad!! I just personally don’t like to put myself in one on purpose. Is there ever a good time for a cleansing crisis? Having had my share of them, I like to consciously keep them at bay unless I have time to rest and give myself self-care. The trick is to find your balance.

Start the capsules at a comfortable pace and know you’re getting more bounce to the ounce with this supplement! 

Liver Tip

Moving the liver is as important as moving the bowels in order to keep body waste moving down ‘n out. If you have sluggish (constipated) or over-reactive (diarrhea) bowels, then the liver has to work that much harder and can become congested. A congested liver is reflected in the skin and eyes, so keep your liver de-congested to feel better. LivAmend is a good step to get there. As is a colema board to cleanse your colon. 

My Favorite Supplements on Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.)

Spring Coconut Cookies for B.E.D.

10 Ways To Detox Liver, Ready, Set, Go!

May all bellies be happy!

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Disclaimer: Content is for general information only; primarily educational in nature; and not to be treated as a substitute for medical advice of your health care professional that you, the reader, may require for any cause whatsoever, now or in the future.  Always consult your doctor regarding any health problem(s) you have and keep him/her informed to opinions, ideas, and dietary advice offered here that you find useful.

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