B.E.D. Recipe The Body Ecology Diet

Pumpkin Pie for The Body Ecology Diet (stage 2)

Pumpkin Pie for The Body Ecology Diet (stage 2)

Tara Carpenter, NC.

Originally published on September 25, 2018

Holistic nutrition for digestion; specialized in yeast overgrowth. 

In true “Tara style” I successfully made a total of 5 different pies before coming up with 2 of my own for those practicing The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.); though suitable for any body. 

This pie is delicate with enough richness to satisfy a sweet tooth and as with most of the recipes I create, is free of refined sugar and common allergens with exception of NUTS. My primary focus was making a B.E.D. stage 2 pumpkin pie. You can find my stage 1 pumpkin pie here

You’ll notice lakanto and glycerin sweeten things up here; these alternative sweeteners do not influence blood sugar or insulin release making this a safe dessert for anyone with diabetes or reversing yeast overgrowth.

This recipe is gluten, dairy, egg, soy, and refined sugar free. 

Pumpkin Pie for The Body Ecology Diet (stage 2)

Serves: 9-inch pie

For crust:

1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut 

1 1/2 cups almond meal 

3 Tbsp. cold-pressed coconut oil, melted 

1 Tbsp. vegetable glycerin

1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice

1/4 tsp. sea salt

For filling:

2 cups pumpkin puree, canned or fresh

1/2 cup coconut milk

1/3 – 1/2 cup lakanto

2 Tbsp. chia seeds, ground and stirred into 6 Tbsp. cool water 

2 Tbsp. coconut butter, melted

1 Tbsp. agar agar flakes or gelatin powder

1 tsp. vanilla extract, glycerin and alcohol free

2 tsp. cinnamon powder

1/4 tsp. each of ginger powder, cloves, nutmeg


  1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
  2. Grease a 9-inch tart pan with or without a removable bottom.
  3. Put ingredients for crust into a bowl; mix until dough clumps together when pressed between fingers.
  4. Press dough into tart pan, evenly distributing on the bottom and up the sides.
  5. Bake crust for 10-15 minutes until firm with a golden color.
  6. While crust is baking, combine all pie filling ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
  7. Pour filling into baked almond crust that has cooled some.
  8. Bake at 350 F for 40-50 minutes until filling has set with slight cracking around edges.
  9. Serve with coconut cream, cultured cream, or B.E.D. whipped cream.

Tips and tricks

  • For an easier-to-digest food, soak/dehydrate almonds prior to grinding them yourself.
  • Culture the coconut milk and coconut flakes to make this even more gut friendly. 
  • For a different sweetness substitute 2/3 cup coconut sugar or 3/4 tsp. green stevia powder for the lakanto 
  • Substitute ghee or cultured butter for the coconut oil and coconut cream if tolerated.
  • The filling makes a good custard; pour into oven-proof custard cups and bake until firm.
  • This is a Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) friendly dessert for those on stage 2.
  • Looking for a stage 1 pumpkin pie recipe? Here you go!

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Thanksgiving on B.E.D.

 Spiced Orange Chocolate Torte

B.E.D. Nutritional Support

May all bellies be happy!

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