B.E.D. Yeast infection

Using B.E.D. for Vaginal Yeast Infections

If you get vaginal yeast infections more then you want one then I highly recommend The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.). I could go on and on about this way of eating as I personally adhered to stage 1 for 3 years back in 2010 after being diagnosed with a systemic yeast infection (included tons of itching and discomfort down below).

Hands down, I think B.E.D. is one of the best yeast killing, yeast balancing protocols out there.

Why We Get Infected

Vaginal yeast infections, a.k.a. vulvovaginal candidiasis, tend to stem from an overgrowth of yeast in the inner ecosystem/gut. Under normal circumstances, yeast organisms are kept in control by probiotics (good flora) that also live in gut.

Many things allow the yeast to grow in excess numbers and become unmanageable for the good flora (i.e. antibiotics, sugar, “the pill”). If these yeast critters get out of control, you are more likely to get a yeast infection; whether in the vagina, on the penis, or in the blood like I did (a.k.a. systemic yeast infection).

Where to Start

Don’t know where to start? Remove the BIGS (i.e. sugar, pasteurized dairy, yeast, gluten). Introduce probiotic food (i.e. young coconut kefirunsalted cultured veggies). These adjustments alone can do wonders at resetting the human body.

Starving Yeast

I think that the best thing you can do to minimize yeast infections is to STOP eating foods that feed the yeast and enable them to grow/survive (i.e. sugar, gluten, processed carbs). When these foods are avoided, you starve the yeast, eventually starving them to death and pushing them out of body; process called “die-off”.

This process can be accelerated by eating probiotic food because the friendly flora in these foods embed themselves in gut lining where they grow in massive amounts and push out the bad flora. Think of a bunch of friendly people moving to a neighborhood; sooner or later the mean people are going to leave or be kicked out. Practicing B.E.D. can help you accomplish the task of kicking yeast out because the foods allowed don’t feed excess yeast. Again, without the right food, the yeast will starve and die and you’ll have an easier time getting back in balance. 

Here are two essential oils to help remove excess yeast. 


If your’e in the midst of healing with The Body Ecology Diet and get itchy or feel burning down below, don’t despair. You’re likely moving through a period of cleansing while dead yeast are eliminated through the vagina and other body openings (i.e. mouth, nose, rectum). “Die-off” is a common, natural part of cleansing and there are many ways to manage die-off symptoms like doing a colonic, making unsalted probiotic food or popping in a bolus 😉

Take this quiz to see if you have Candida.

Boluses for Vaginal Yeast Infections

How I Do Colonics In My Bathroom

Nutritional Consultations with Tara, NC.

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Disclaimer: This content is for general information only; primarily educational in nature; and should not be treated as a substitute for medical advice of your doctor that you, the reader, may require for any cause whatsoever, now or in future. Consult  a medical doctor regarding any health problem(s) and keep him/her fully informed to the opinions, ideas, and dietary advice offered on this site that you find useful.

May all bellies be happy!

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