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A Tale of Nori – best seaweed in town!

IMG_9122Nori is grand, nori is sweet.

Nori wraps rice into sushi like no one can beat.

This lean green machine is seaweed no doubt.

Contains every mineral in the book ~ get out!!

Calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine, 30 times the potassium of bananas LOOK, LOOK

Unlike wakame – a woman’s best friend – I am subtle in what I am.

But, don’t push me aside my sweet lady for I regulate estrogen and promote fertility.

I can sweep you off your feet in so many ways!

Like, don’t eat meat?? That’s okay, I have omega-3 fatty acids like you learned about in school.

Even a bit of Vitamin B12 and folic acid up my sleeve, very cool.

Not slippery or gooey, just crispy and easy to eat.

Toss me on a hot, oily skillet (ouch!) and sprinkle with salt.

Prepare for a C-R-U-N-C-H that kids will love to munch.

Come one, come all, don’t be shy, don’t be squeamish.

Remember I have more vitamins than fruits and veggies and even greenish!

Try it, try me, don’t be a silly ham.

You might like me, Nori I am ♥️

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May all bellies be happy!

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