The Body Ecology Diet Yeast infection

Probiotic-Rich Bubbly Blueberry Jelly

Probiotic-Rich Bubbly Blueberry Jelly Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition Consultant for people healing on The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.). Originally published on September 10, 2016. Early to mid-August is blueberry season here in Vermont and we generally pick about four gallons per summer. We can only eat so much before our teeth hurt, so I freeze […]

Recipe The Body Ecology Diet

Tips for Making Probiotic-Rich Bubbly Jelly

Tips for Making Probiotic-Rich Bubbly Jelly Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutritional support for various health issues, especially digestive-related and using Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) to heal bacterial, yeast, and viral overgrowth. Regular jelly isn’t ‘allowed’ on a gut healing diet like Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D); which recommends to avoid sugar (except lakanto, stevia, ecobloom) until the […]

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