Candida The Body Ecology Diet Yeast infection

Candidiasis (a.k.a. yeast overgrowth)

Candida, also known as Candidiasis or yeast overgrowth, is not a germ, a bug, or a disease. It is a serious immune disorder that gets its name from Candida albicans; a family of yeast that are the most common micro-flora organisms that live in human digestive tract. A healthy bowel contains a 10:1 bacteria to […]


Benefits of Eating Liver for Women

Women have eaten liver for thousands of years for revitalizing properties (i.e. replacing iron lost in menstruation, balancing hormones, boosting libido). Traditionally, liver, and other organs, were reserved for women during the childbearing years to promote fertility. As a Holistic Nutritionist, I consider liver to be

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