B.E.D. Recipe The Body Ecology Diet

Chicken Nuggets for The Body Ecology Diet

Chicken Nuggets for The Body Ecology Diet

Tara Carpenter, NC.

I tweaked this recipe from Holistic Squid’s version which contain almond flour. One of the main principles on The Body Ecology Diet is proper food combining; unfortunately, that means avoiding nuts and meat on the same plate.

This recipe is suited to meet the specific dietary needs of this healing way of eating and is gluten/dairy/grain-free. My kids love them in the lunchbox and say they taste better than frozen nuggets from the store.

I like that they don’t contain cornmeal, which my youngest is sensitive to and are fresh, easy to make, and kid-approved. The battle is over!!

Chicken Nuggets for The Body Ecology Diet

Makes: 4-6 servings


Making nuggets: plain and simple

2 lbs. chicken (or turkey) breast

2 eggs, medium size

1 1/2 cup coconut flour (culture if on Stage 1 of B.E.D.)

2 Tbsp. arrowroot

2 Tbsp. nutritional yeast (optional and only if tolerated)

1 Tbsp. onion powder

2 cloves garlic, minced.

1 tsp sea salt

1 tsp nutmeg


  • Chop meat into 2-inch nuggets.
  • Whisk together coconut flour and spices.
  • Beat eggs in another bowl.
  • Bathe nuggets in the egg wash.
  • Dip nuggets in coconut flour-spice mix.
  • Place on a parchment lined baking sheet with space in-between.
  • Bake in preheated oven at 375° for 20 minutes until golden brown.

Tips & Ideas

  • Lovely with “mashed” cauliflower.
  • Freeze in wax paper bags so ready to heat and put in lunchbox.
  • Substitute fresh grated Parmesan cheese for the nutritional yeast.
  • Perfect for those on Paleo or Body Ecology Diet (stage 2).
  • I make a big batch for the freezer at start of the school year and every couple months thereafter because they freeze well and easy to heat on busy mornings; I toss them in a thermos with a side of dipping sauce (pesto, creamy carrot butter, homemade mayo).
  • Most of you know I’m a fan of food combining and this recipe takes the cake in my books! Instead of typical starch breading, these nuggets use coconut (a fat) to avoid combining starch with protein.

Happy bellies all around!

Keeping My Kids Cavity-Free 🙂

Parsley Dressing

Nutritional Support with Tara

May all bellies be happy!

2 replies on “Chicken Nuggets for The Body Ecology Diet”

Hi Kristine, I am just seeing this now! Here is how I culture the coconut flour … add enough young green coconut kefir or other probiotic liquid to cover wide coconut flakes. Let sit for 8-12 hours in a warm spot. Then strain, dehydrate, and grind into flour. I make large amounts of this all at once to have on hand 🙂

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