B.E.D. The Body Ecology Diet Yeast infection

Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.)

Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition Consultant for people regaining natural gut microbiome after yeast, bacterial, viral infections with The Body Ecology Diet.  Originally published on December 31, 2017. Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D) is a foundational system of health and healing designed by Donna Gates to address yeast, bacterial, and viral overgrowth in the […]

Infection Pregnancy

GBS+ During Pregnancy

  The mom in this photo tested positive with group B strep* infection (GBS+) in her final trimester and received I.V. antibiotics during labor. Group b strep are a pathogenic bacterium that sporadically live in the rectum, intestines, urinary tract, and genital area of all pregnant and non-pregnant healthy people. These bacteria don’t typically cause problems […]

Candida The Body Ecology Diet

Bolus Recipe for Vaginal Yeast Infections

Boluses (a.k.a. ovules, vaginal suppositories) are anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and provide relief from vaginal yeast infections. These tube-like shapes are solid at room temperature but melt once inserted to release the oils and herbs inside which will absorb into the vaginal tissue.

B.E.D. Recipe The Body Ecology Diet

Toasty Coconut Truffles for The Body Ecology Diet

I ground toasted coconut the other day into what I thought would be a fine powder to sprinkle on top of a cake. When I lifted the cover from my grinder, an amazing smell greeted me. Instead of powder, there was a mass of sticky paste. I changed plans, as any good chef must do […]

Recipe The Body Ecology Diet

Benefits of Young Coconut Kefir & Pudding

Young green coconut kefir is made from the lightly sweet ‘water’ found inside a Thai baby coconut. You can also make a coconut pudding from the tender meat found in a Thai baby coconut. I have found best success with making both with Body Ecology’s starter*.  The kefir and the pudding are digestive aids that […]

B.E.D. Recipe The Body Ecology Diet

Chicken Nuggets for The Body Ecology Diet

Chicken Nuggets for The Body Ecology Diet Tara Carpenter, NC. I tweaked this recipe from Holistic Squid’s version which contain almond flour. One of the main principles on The Body Ecology Diet is proper food combining; unfortunately, that means avoiding nuts and meat on the same plate. This recipe is suited to meet the specific […]

Recipe The Body Ecology Diet

Beginner Recipe for Unsalted, Probiotic-Rich, Cultured Vegetables

Beginner Recipe for Unsalted, Probiotic-Rich, Cultured Vegetables Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition Consultant for people regaining natural gut microbiome after yeast, bacterial, viral infections with The Body Ecology Diet. This is a good recipe to begin with if you are new at making unsalted cultured vegetables according to the “body ecology” way. I call this recipe, Garden […]

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