Recipe The Body Ecology Diet

“Woman’s Best Friend” Green Vegetable Smoothie

“Woman’s Best Friend” Green Vegetable Smoothie Nutrition Consultant specialized in helping people regain natural gut microbiome after yeast, bacterial, and viral infections. As a woman, I must share this easy-to-make, deliciously vibrant smoothie 🙂 I first heard about green vegetable smoothies when I was on Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) to heal my systemic yeast overgrowth.

Probiotic food The Body Ecology Diet

Tips & Tricks to Make Young Green Coconut Kefir (YCK)

Tips & Tricks to Make Young Green Coconut Kefir (yck) Tara Carpenter, NC. I’ve made young green coconut kefir (yck) for going on 12 years and moved through many learning curves. I can now whip up a batch of this probiotic drink in less time than I once did and with zero frustration. I hope […]

B.E.D. Candida

Will Chocolate Feed Yeast Overgrowth?

Raw, organic cacao powder made with a gut-friendly sugar, like stevia or lakanto, will not necessarily feed Candida, also known as Candidiasis or yeast overgrowth, but can be abrasive to the digestive tract lining. This is because chocolate contains abrasive ingredients, such as sulfur, phytic acid, caffeine, oxalates, and alkaloids; all which make chocolate an acid-forming and […]

Candida The Body Ecology Diet

Bolus Recipe for Vaginal Yeast Infections

Boluses (a.k.a. ovules, vaginal suppositories) are anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and provide relief from vaginal yeast infections. These tube-like shapes are solid at room temperature but melt once inserted to release the oils and herbs inside which will absorb into the vaginal tissue.

Cultured Foods The Body Ecology Diet The Digestive System

Get Cultured: The Benefit of Unsalted, Probiotic Food

The cultured food I am talking about here does not contain salt …. cultured butter, creme fraiche, coconut kefir, cultured vegetables; all living foods made with probiotic starter*. NO salt. See more about that bit here. When you eat unsalted, cultured food, the probiotics in them will go into your gut/inner ecosystem and set up shop where […]

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