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How My Family Takes Fermented Cod Liver Oil (FCLO)

How My Family Takes Fermented Cod Liver Oil (FCLO)

Tara Carpenter, NC.

Nutrition Consultant specialized in helping people regain natural microbiome after yeast, bacterial, and viral infections.

I am a group buyer for Vermont to bring fermented cod liver oil to residents at a reduced price, for product/price list and to purchase through me, please email

Originally published on November 14, 2016.

We take fermented cod liver oil (FCLO) every day, twice a day, year round. I like the Fermented Cod Liver Oil & Concentrated Butter Oil Blend in chocolate and the cinnamon tingle cod oil. Our oldest likesthe Fermented Cod Liver Oil in liquid form and orange flavor and our youngest will lick the spoon clean of any kind, including Skate Liver Oil (FSLO). If we travel, I pack fclo capsules to keep things easy.

Thumbs up! No cavities for me …. I, the mom, say thank you Green Pasture cod oil!

Green Pastures

Not everyone likes the taste – or smell – but here are tricks to getting this fantastically helpful oil down. Green Pasture is the only FCLO distributor I know of currently here in the U.S. where I live and is a family-owned company with flavors like chocolate, orange, and cinnamon. If you go with oil in capsule form, you’ll get this down no problem. If you have mouth issues (i.e., gum recession, tooth decay) then the Oil Blends are the best way to go because the capsule form will bypass the mouth entirely.

That said, if you are healing leaky gut or body inflammation then capsules can help. Some people can’t tolerate the flavor of this oil in the mouth so capsules will be best in this case as best to take the oil then not at all.

Suggested dosages here.

My Story

After my second pregnancy, and throwing up around the clock due to a severe prenatal condition (HG), I was unable to brush my teeth because my tooth enamel had become too sensitive. I used Sensodyne toothpaste and had to be numbed with novocaine to get my teeth cleaned yet still had a new cavity every time I went to the dentist. Anything cold or hot made them ache and throb endlessly. After 2 months taking cod liver oil, my teeth improved and I no longer needed more than a gentle cleaning every 6 months. From here, I got a gold star at every appointment 🙂 Now my teeth feel strong as rocks; I have not had a cavity since starting this oil, nor have either of my children.

Not Magic

If your teeth are already in rough shape, FCLO may not be a cure-all. There are other important things to do for overall dental support like reading Ramiel Nagel’s tooth decay book is a good place to start. In my opinion, this oil is most beneficial for enamel erosion, tooth sensitivity, gum recession, surface cavities, and in-between teeth cavities because when you swish the oil in your mouth the fats and nutrients get in there and fill in areas in need of healing; like ‘oil pulling’ yet better! If this is you then Fermented Cod Liver Oil & Concentrated Butter Oil is fast-acting support.

Screenshot of some of the cod oil choices at Green Pastures.

Giving Up

I’ll tell you my story about giving up, surrendering to the inevitable. For years I had tried to rescue a couple of teeth that had been hurting since my first son was born. One tooth had been fractured when I was a kid from my dog jumping on me from behind and banging my face into an iron radiator and decay was long settled in. The other was a wisdom tooth and the dentist said was too hard to get at to fix. After trying many many things, including high doses of FCLO, I had both removed.

My kids

My youngest, 16 now, hasn’t had a cavity. Many find this surprising because he couldn’t eat dairy as a young child, which is usually depended on to calcify teeth. Yet, since he was a baby I’ve given him bone stock (i.e., fish stock, rooster stock), bone marrow, fish heads, seaweed, and FCLO so perhaps that gave him/gives him what he needs. My 22 year old son had a cavity before we discovered cod oil, yet not since. Fingers crossed, knock on wood, and FCLO down the hatch.

Roasted bone marrow is easy way to keep teeth strong.

How I got into this stuff

I learned of fermented cod liver oil from the book Cure Tooth Decay. Most of the ideas in this book worked for me, so I ordered a bottle of FCLO from Green Pasture. At first, I only liked the capsules in skate liver and regular cod oil form. Then, I liked cinnamon fermented cod liver oil and would squirt that in the back of my throat to get down with a cold glass of water. Now, I pretty much only take FCLO/Butter Blends that I swish in my mouth and swallow which gains me the benefit in my mouth and down my digestive tract. Win-win! I can swish around for ages and had you told me I’d do this way back when, I would have been mortified! The things we do for health can become a healthy habit, keep going ….

Fish heads are a calcium-rich food for healthy teeth and bones.

After years taking this oil, I became a Green Pastures’ Group Buyer to buy bottles of this cod oil at a discounted price for myself and residents living in Central Vermont. Pick-up spots in Montpelier, Plainfield, Marshfield, Cabot, Worcester, and Brownington. Please contact me via email at for a complete list of products and prices.

cod oil capsules -google image

Dosages for Fermented Cod Liver Oil

Cultured Butter: Probiotic-Rich Recipe

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Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links for products I believe in and use on a regular basis. See more here. All content is for general information only, primarily educational in nature, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your primary health-care practitioner that you, the reader, may require for any cause whatsoever, now or in future. Please consult your primary practitioner regarding any health problem(s) you have and keep them informed to the opinions, ideas, and advice on this site that you find useful. Please email me at for any questions or concerns that you have.

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