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How I Do Castor Packs

Castor oil is both gentle and potent and has the ability to absorb into your skin and various other organs to relieve pain, increase circulation, decrease inflammation, and bring healing to specific parts of the body. One easy way to get all these benefits is with a ‘castor pack’. My first time doing a pack […]


Benefits of Eating Liver for Women

Women have eaten liver for thousands of years for revitalizing properties (i.e. replacing iron lost in menstruation, balancing hormones, boosting libido). Traditionally, liver, and other organs, were reserved for women during the childbearing years to promote fertility. As a Holistic Nutritionist, I consider liver to be

B.E.D. Support via phone or Skype Foods That Heal Health Conditions My Family Life Nutritional Consultations The Body Ecology Diet

Spring Cooking in Vermont

Where I live in the valley of Vermont, spring is a combination of muddy roads and loads of snow melting into the rivers from the mountains above. Cooking takes on a whole new feel when spring rolls around. All I want to do is be outside and when I do venture in the kitchen, I […]

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