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Salmon Head Fish Stock: In My Kitchen (recipe)

Salmon Head Fish Stock: In My Kitchen (recipe) Tara Carpenter, NC. Holistic nutrition for people on The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) Originally published on April 1, 2019. Hello! My name is Tara and I hail to you from my kitchen in Vermont to talk about how awesome salmon heads are; packed with tender meat and […]

healing Home Remedies

How My Family Eats Liver

How My Family Eats Liver Holistic nutrition for digestion; specialized in yeast overgrowth. Tara Carpenter, NC. Originally published on May 15, 2018. The above is tiny cut up homemade raw beef “liver pills” that I made. Beef liver has multiple benefits, especially for women. I myself was raised in an oceanside fishing village south of […]

B.E.D. B.E.D. Support via phone or Skype Body Ecology Support Coach Cultured Foods Foods That Heal Health Conditions Home Remedies My Family Life Nutritional Consultations Pre & Postnatal Period The Body Ecology Diet The Digestive System The Essentials

10 Ways to Avoid Group B Strep Infection in Pregnancy

Most pregnant women are not prepared for a group B strep diagnosis. I know that I wasn’t when my test came back positive at 38 weeks. At that point, I did not have time to reverse the condition and opted for i.v. antibiotics during labor. See here if unborn baby is at risk for GBS+.

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Hyperemesis Gravidarum (Morning Sickness X’s 100)

Hyperemesis Gravidarum (Morning Sickness X’s 100) Tara Carpenter, NC., CPES. Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is a rare condition affecting 0.5–2.0% of pregnant women. Yes! A weird and hard-to-spell name that I think better called ‘living hell’. The word broken down … “hyper” = over excessive, severe, “emesis” = medical lingo for vomiting and “gravidarum” = pregnancy. […]

B.E.D. Support Foods That Heal Health Conditions Home Remedies Intuitive Nutritional Consultations morning sickness My Family Life My Story nausea Pre & Postnatal Period Stories The Body Ecology Diet

10 Foods That Helped My Hyperemesis Gravidarum

There is no one way to prevent hyperemesis gravidarum, a.k.a. HG or morning sickness x 1,000. At least, not that I know of and I have looked high ‘n low to end this horrible misery. I have read every book on the topic and spoke to women who have survived this debilitating nausea and vomiting […]

Home Remedies The Body Ecology Diet

How I Do Castor Packs

Castor oil is both gentle and potent and has the ability to absorb into your skin and various other organs to relieve pain, increase circulation, decrease inflammation, and bring healing to specific parts of the body. One easy way to get all these benefits is with a ‘castor pack’. My first time doing a pack […]

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Digestive Enzymes: Goodbye Bloating!

I don’t struggle so much anymore with digestive issues (i.e. gas, constipation, brain fog) but I did a few years ago when I had a yeast overgrowth issue (systemic candida). After years of cleansing with Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) and making big lifestyle and diet changes I feel a lot better now. One thing I did during […]

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