Celebrating Easter on The Body Ecology Diet 🦋 Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition Consultant for people regaining microbiome after yeast, bacterial, viral infections and healing with The Body Ecology Diet. These alternate Easter ideas are for people of all ages on Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.), a gut healing protocol specifically designed to balance yeast, viral, and […]
Tag: leaky gut syndrome
Healing on The Body Ecology Diet: Journal Entry #1 “Candida Diagnosis” Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition Consultant for people regaining microbiome after yeast, bacterial, viral infections and healing with The Body Ecology Diet. Healing with The Body Ecology Diet: Journal Entry #1 …. My Candida Diagnosis Written on September 9, 2010. Today, I was diagnosed with […]
Cultured Butter Recipe
Cultured Butter Recipe Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition Consultant specialized in helping people regain natural gut microbiome after yeast, bacterial, and viral infections. Originally published on November 6, 2018. I make cultured butter a few times a year; mainly late summer into early autumn and late spring into early summer when I can easily source fresh, raw […]
Apple Cider Kefir: Probiotic-Rich Recipe 🍎 Tara Carpenter, NC. Specialized in therapeutic nutrition for people regaining natural gut microbiome after yeast, bacterial, viral infections and people healing with Body Ecology Diet. Originally published on September 19, 2019. Here in Vermont, we press apples into cider into mid to late September; a fun activity for kids to participate […]
Lunchbox List for People on Body Ecology Diet Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition Consultant specialized in helping people regain natural microbiome after yeast, bacterial, and viral infections. Originally published on January 24, 2019. If you have a child on Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) or a ‘gluten-sugar-yeast free’ diet then you know the amount of effort needed to […]
LivAmend Capsules to Support Your Liver Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutritional Consultant for people on The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.). Of all the supplements that Donna Gates of The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) created (in blue dress below), livamend is my favorite. Next is Vitality Supergreens then Ancient Minerals 🙂 Like shoes I’d love them all […]
Tips & Tricks to Make Young Green Coconut Kefir (yck) Tara Carpenter, NC. I’ve made young green coconut kefir (yck) for going on 12 years and moved through many learning curves. I can now whip up a batch of this probiotic drink in less time than I once did and with zero frustration. I hope […]