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Lemon Pudding & Pie for Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.)

Lemon Pudding & Pie for Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.)

Tara Carpenter, NC.

Nutritional Consultant for people healing on The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.).

Originally published on December 16, 2017.

I created this recipe during my first year on The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) to heal a stubborn systemic yeast overgrowth that was causing me countless amount of health issues. Thanksgiving was coming and after weeks of avoiding everything sweet, this recipe was a godsend!

I have never felt more inspired to create recipes then during my years on B.E.D. and now that I am officially a Holistic Nutritionist I feel more fluent at writing things up publicly. I hope to help other people’s health journey to avoid sugar for one reason or another that much easier.

The original masterpiece for this recipe comes from Donna Gates, founder of B.E.D. I only made a few changes.

A dessert that stands elegantly with a tang all its own.

Smooth this no-bake yellow lemon filling into cups or a crust or try a layered effect with cultured cream or young coconut cheeseBE Sweet is the sweetener used and does not feed harmful yeast, bacteria, or viruses living in the body – making this a safe sugar substitute for anyone with a current infection (i.e., GBS+, yeast overgrowth). Great for diabetics because sweeteners used do not influence blood sugar or insulin release. 

Central to B.E.D. is the principle of food combining. One thing I love most about this recipe is how it combines with virtually any food under the sun; taking away guesswork on your part. The recipe itself is free of most common allergens (i.e., dairy, egg whites, nuts, gluten, peanuts, soy) and B.E.D-friendly for stage 1. If you transitioned to stage 2 and want a dessert that lands more sweetly, check out spiced orange chocolate torte.

May we all continue to share the deliciousness of life, especially pie!

Bright Lemon Pudding & Pie

Crust Ingredients:

2 cups flaked coconut, unsweetened* 

1/4 cup coconut oil or ghee, melted

1 Tbsp. vegetable glycerin, food-grade

1 tsp. lemon or lime zest

1 pinch sea salt

Filling ingredients:

6 egg yolks, room temperature

1/3 cup BE Sweet or Lakanto ground to fine powder

1/2 cup lemon juice, freshly squeezed.

1 cup water

2 Tbsp. agar agar flakes

1 pinch sea salt

6-8 drops stevia liquid 

1 Tbsp. lemon zest

1/2 cup ghee, unsalted cultured butter, or coconut oil 


  1. Preheat oven to 325 F.
  2. Mix crust ingredients in a bowl and press into a 9-inch pie pan.
  3. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until coconut is golden.
  4. While the crust is baking, prepare the filling.
  5. In saucepan (do not turn heat on yet) combine egg yolks, lakanto, and lemon juice and beat together with an electric beater.
  6. In another saucepan, bring water to boil; add agar flakes and sea salt.
  7. Stir to dissolve, simmer 10 minutes, and remove from heat.
  8. Move the saucepan with egg mixture to a burner and bring to simmer over low heat (keep low so do not cook eggs).
  9. Stirring constantly, add in the fat.
  10. Once melted, remove from heat and add lemon zest and stevia.
  11. Slowly pour warm agar mixture into egg mixture and stir well.
  12. Pour mixture into custard cups or a baked pie crust; cool in fridge.

Tips & Tricks

  • A flat-bottom measuring cup presses pie crust into pan easier.
  • The pudding makes a delicious parfait, just scoop into custard cups with a layer of cultured cream. Or top with whip cream (stage 2) and a sprinkle of zest and maybe a few pomegranate seeds on top.
  • Substitute 1 egg yolk for 1 Tbsp. of coconut oil in the crust.
  • For those new to using lakanto, learn about this sweetener here.
  • Transitioned to stage 2, recipe for pumpkin tart with almond crust.
  • This is a Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) friendly dessert 🙂

*I am on the fence with dried coconut on B.E.D. Whilst I agree to be mindful with consuming this as a staple food and avoided coconut myself unless cultured first (cover wide coconut flakes with yck or milk kefir; let sit 8-12 hours in warm spot; strain and dehydrate) I question if this step is necessary. I now recommend using dried coconut occasionally while healing and observe body for discomfort or negative reactions.  


Lemon Parfait

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May all bellies be happy!

Grain-Free Meatballs

Roll Out Coconut Cookies

Tara Carpenter, NC.

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