Lunchbox List for Body Ecology Diet Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition Consultant specialized in helping people regain natural microbiome after yeast, bacterial, and viral infections. Originally published on January 24, 2019. If you have a child on Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) or a ‘gluten-sugar-yeast free’ diet then you know the amount of effort needed to pack a […]
Tag: mom
Originally published on October 10, 2017 This is a 10-minute streamline writing, learn more here. “Best mom ever” he says leaning heavily into me as I reach out to brace myself on the kitchen counter. The world stops in this moment as I have been without my son’s love extending this way for so long now […]
Avoid Group B Strep+ During Pregnancy
Avoid Group B Strep+ During Pregnancy Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition Consultant for people regaining natural gut microbiome after yeast, bacterial, viral infections with The Body Ecology Diet. Most pregnant women, myself included, aren’t prepared for a group B strep diagnosis. I know I wasn’t when my test came back positive at 38 weeks and I did […]
Hyperemesis Gravidarum (Morning Sickness X’s 100) Tara Carpenter, NC, CPES. Nutrition Consultant for people on Body Ecology Diet & Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist for new mothers in Vermont. Originally published on February 24, 2017. Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is a rare, serious condition affecting 0.5–2.0% of pregnant women and when broken down means hyper=over-excessive/severe, emesis=vomiting, gravidarum=pregnancy; […]
I’ve had severe morning sickness (a.k.a. hyperemesis gravidarum, HG) a total of three times. During those times, no one was able to cook in the kitchen because the smell made me vomit. We ate take-out or processed food. I could only eat food that was fresh and made somewhere else. I couldn’t eat anything unless […]
There is no one way to prevent hyperemesis gravidarum, a.k.a. HG or morning sickness x 1,000. At least, not that I know of and I have looked high ‘n low to end this horrible misery. I have read books on the topic and spoke to women who have survived this debilitating nausea and vomiting … […]
My Experience Having Hyperemesis Gravidarum Three Times Tara Carpenter, NC, PES. I had severe morning sickness, a.k.a. hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), with all my pregnancies; each one worse than before. 12 weeks with my first, 15 weeks with my second, and the full 40 weeks with my third. Labor was easy compared to weeks and months […]