B.E.D. Recipe The Body Ecology Diet

Pumpkin Pie for The Body Ecology Diet (stage 2)

Pumpkin Pie for The Body Ecology Diet (stage 2) Tara Carpenter, NC. Originally published on September 25, 2018 Holistic nutrition for digestion; specialized in yeast overgrowth.  In true “Tara style” I successfully made a total of 5 different pies before coming up with 2 of my own for those practicing The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.); […]

Allergen Friendly Autism Friendly B.E.D. B.E.D. Support Basic Recipes Body Ecology Support Coach Candida Cultured Foods easy-to-digest Foods That Heal Health Conditions Holidays Nutritional Consultations Recipe The Body Ecology Diet The Digestive System The Essentials Therapeutic Chef Yeast infection

Thanksgiving Stuffing ~ Grain-Free & B.E.D. Friendly

This recipe came about when I first started The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) and Thanksgiving came around. I could eat the turkey and vegetables but wanted a scoop of stuffing too. Bread was obviously out and most of the grain-free stuffing I found was made with nuts which didn’t combine well with meat. It wanted […]

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