Vaginal Seeding for a Cesarean Birth Tara Carpenter, PES. Placenta Encapsulation Specialist for new mothers in Vermont and New Hampshire. Originally published on November 25, 2018. This photo is a client of mine who gave birth via cesarean (c-section) “cesarean” which origins from the Latin word caedare, meaning “to cut”. Before surgery, this mom requested […]
Category: Pre & Postnatal Period
Healing Postpartum Infections with Body Ecology Diet Nutrition Consultant specialized in helping people regain natural microbiome after yeast, bacterial, and viral infections. Tara Carpenter, NC. Originally published on March 22, 2024. Birth can invite a host of changes for the new mother; my sister here in the above photograph (my older one!) had her 3rd […]
Channel 3 MiVT: Placenta Encapsulation in Vermont Tara Carpenter, PES. Serving new mothers in Vermont and New Hampshire with an FDA-approved traditional Chinese medicine method since 2011. Originally published in 2013. By Gina Bullard STOWE, VT. At first glance it’s hard to tell if Tara Carpenter is a chef or a medical examiner. She’s actually […]
Avoid Group B Strep+ During Pregnancy
Avoid Group B Strep+ During Pregnancy Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition Consultant for people regaining natural gut microbiome after yeast, bacterial, viral infections with The Body Ecology Diet. Most pregnant women, myself included, aren’t prepared for a group B strep diagnosis. I know I wasn’t when my test came back positive at 38 weeks and I did […]
Hyperemesis Gravidarum (Morning Sickness X’s 100) Tara Carpenter, NC, CPES. Nutrition Consultant for people on Body Ecology Diet & Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist for new mothers in Vermont. Originally published on February 24, 2017. Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is a rare, serious condition affecting 0.5–2.0% of pregnant women and when broken down means hyper=over-excessive/severe, emesis=vomiting, gravidarum=pregnancy; […]
There is no one way to prevent hyperemesis gravidarum, a.k.a. HG or morning sickness x 1,000. At least, not that I know of and I have looked high ‘n low to end this horrible misery. I have read books on the topic and spoke to women who have survived this debilitating nausea and vomiting … […]
Eat My What? (newspaper article in The Bridge) Tara Carpenter, PES. Serving new mothers in Vermont and New Hampshire with an FDA-approved traditional Chinese medicine method since 2011. Written by The Bridge on February 7, 2013, News & Features on Tara Carpenter, Placenta Encapsulation Specialist (PES). Tara Carpenter is a Placenta Encapsulation Specialist trained with […]