Zucchini Frittatas (gluten, dairy, & egg white free) Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutritional Consultant for people on Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.). This savory, pancake-like treat is delicious hot off the skillet or at room temperature the next day. Eggs are the main ingredient, yet only the yellow yolks are used in this recipe because I find […]
Tag: bloating
As a Holistic Nutritionist for those with health issues, dietary restrictions, and/or on Body Ecology Diet (BED) …. this is a common question I get; mostly by women starting a new way of eating. Most people, women or men, don’t like the idea of quitting chocolate, no matter how big a health problem they have. […]
Parsley Dressing Recipe
Parsley Dressing Recipe for The Body Ecology Diet Originally published on June 11, 2018. Tara Carpenter, NC. Holistic nutrition for digestion; specialized in yeast overgrowth. I could come up with a fancier name for this dressing, but will keep things simple as this recipe is rich enough to stand strong and proud on its own; […]
Dandy Lion: A Green Vegetable Smoothie 🦁
Dandy Lion: A Green Vegetable Smoothie 🦁 Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutritional support worldwide for digestive wellness; especially yeast overgrowth and Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.). Originally published on April 4, 2018. My husband nicknamed this smoothie Dandy Lion and I think appropriate given the French origin of the word dandelion is “dents-de-lion” meaning “tooth of lion”, […]
Will Chocolate Feed Candida (yeast overgrowth)? Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition Consultant for people regaining natural gut microbiome after yeast, bacterial, viral infections with The Body Ecology Diet. Raw, organic cacao powder made with gut-friendly sugar, like stevia or lakanto does not necessarily feed Candida (a.k.a. Candidiasis/yeast overgrowth) yet can irritate the digestive tract lining because chocolate […]
Castor oil is both gentle and potent and has the ability to absorb into your skin and various other organs to relieve pain, increase circulation, decrease inflammation, and bring healing to specific parts of the body. One easy way to get all these benefits is with a ‘castor pack’. My first time doing a pack […]
Young green coconut kefir is made from the lightly sweet ‘water’ found inside a Thai baby coconut. You can also make a coconut pudding from the tender meat found in a Thai baby coconut. I have found best success with making both with Body Ecology’s starter*. The kefir and the pudding are digestive aids that […]