Inner Ecosystem: A Living World Inside You Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition Consultant for people regaining natural gut microbiome after yeast, bacterial, viral infections with The Body Ecology Diet. Originally published on November 2, 2014. Like earth, the human body has an inner ecosystem making up a diverse world of microflora – beneficial bacteria, friendly yeast, commensal […]
Tag: probiotic rich food
Unsalted Cultured Vegetables: “Purple Potion” Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition ConsultantĀ for people regaining natural gut microbiome after yeast, bacterial, and viral infections with Body Ecology Diet. Originally published on August 17, 2016. Unsalted cultured vegetables are made with raw vegetables and culture starter to get a slightly sour, slightly sweet product that is rich in probiotics, […]
Cultured Butter Recipe
Cultured Butter Recipe Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition ConsultantĀ specialized in helping people regain natural gut microbiome after yeast, bacterial, and viral infections. Originally published on November 6, 2018. I make cultured butter a few times a year; mainly late summer into early autumn and late spring into early summer when I can easily source fresh, raw […]
Tara Carpenter, NC. Originally published on April 23, 2019. This is a hot topic for parents, for all of us really as who wants to be told they have a cavity while in the dentist chair?! Getting a cavity is never fun, no matter how old you are. I have two kids; my youngest is […]
LivAmend Capsules to Support Your Liver Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutritional Consultant for people on The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.). Of all the supplements that Donna Gates of The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) created (in blue dress below), livamend is my favorite. Next is Vitality Supergreens then Ancient Minerals š Like shoes I’d love them all […]
A Woman’s Testimonial: “B.E.D. Support with Tara” Tara Carpenter, NC. Holistic nutrition for people on The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.). Every now and then I receive a testimonial worth sharing with the bigger world …. this is one of them. The lady behind the words is a lovely, vivacious woman who took hold of the […]
Nama Shoyu is a traditional soy sauce that is unpasteurized; nama means “raw” and shoyu means “soy”. This soy sauce is made by fermenting non-GMO soybeans with a probiotic fungi called Aspergillus oryzae plus the addition of water, wheat, and sea salt. This mixture is left to ferment in cedar kegs for 6 to 8 months; […]