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Basic White Frosting (gluten, dairy, refined sugar free)

Basic White Frosting (dairy/sugar/gluten free)

Tara Carpenter, NC.

Nutritional support for yeast, bacterial, and viral overgrowth-related health conditions with The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.).

This basic white frosting is easy to make and goes on smooth to top any cake or cookie. I have made this recipe many times for my boys’ birthday gatherings and is a good enough dairy, sugar, and gluten free topping.

We are all different in how we step into and ride a particular dietary practice, like B.E.D. and that said, if you are taking stage 1 seriously and focusing in on that bullseye of a target the deeper in you go, then I would hold off on this recipe unless you culture the coconut milk and flour. See more at the very bottom of this post.


½ cup ghee, softened

¼ cup full-fat coconut milk*

1 Tbsp xylitol (fine ground into powder) or pinch of white stevia powder 

1 Tbsp arrowroot


  • Mix with hand blender until creamy; do not to over-mix.
  • Place in fridge for few minutes to harden if gets soft and mushy.
  • Add in color if you would like (see below) and frost.

Tips & Tricks

  • Add color with vegetable-based dye (beet root powder = pink, spirulina = green, turmeric = yellow).
  • Native Forest is best brand of coconut milk to use for this recipe.
  • Substitute 1 Tbsp raw honey for the xylitol/stevia if on the tail end of B.E.D.
  • I’ve never tried but you may be able to swap coconut oil for ghee.
  • Looking for another B.E.D.-friendly treat to frost? Try my almond cookies (egg-free, sweetened with lakanto).

*If you’re on early stage of Body Ecology Diet or other gut-healing diet, you may want to culture coconut flour and milk to introduce enzymes and probiotics to make this recipe easier to digest. If you skip this step, make this an occasional or transitional treat. 

Flax Frosting

Salmon Head Stock

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