Grain-Free Stuffing for Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition Consultant specialized in helping people regain natural microbiome after yeast, bacterial, and viral infections. This recipe came when I first started Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) in 2010; Thanksgiving came around that year after my being on this healing way of eating for just two months! […]
Category: B.E.D.
Cultured Strawberry Ice Cream: Probiotic-Rich!!
Cultured Strawbery Ice Cream: Probiotic-Rich!! (B.E.D. Friendly, stage 2) Tara Carpenter, NC. Holistic nutrition for people of all ages healing a yeast, bacterial, or viral infection with The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.). One hot summer morning, I woke to see out our window several red strawberries in our garden. My immediate thought was “strawberry ice cream […]
I found lakanto while doing The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) to heal yeast overgrowth (Candida). This healing protocol suggested avoiding honey, white/raw sugar, maple syrup, and other sweeteners I relied on. After weeks without sweets, I was thrilled to find lakanto to make sweet treats that I could eat! This sugar alternative doesn’t feed harmful pathogens […]
Carrot Cupcakes: Recipe for The Body Ecology Diet Tara Carpenter, NC. Holistic nutrition for people on The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.). I created this recipe while working as a therapeutic chef for a client who wanted a series of baking sessions for foods allowed on The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D). She wanted to make B.E.D. […]
This is quite possibly the most earthy and simple way to top carrot cupcakes, waffles, and even fill a layered cake. When you’re on a diet like B.E.D, recipes like this start to make sense and even taste good! Kids, and adults, who haven’t grown up on sugar will appreciate this frosting’s subtle sweetness. I use lakanto here because it’s a […]
Chicken Nuggets for The Body Ecology Diet Tara Carpenter, NC. I tweaked this recipe from Holistic Squid’s version which contain almond flour. One of the main principles on The Body Ecology Diet is proper food combining; unfortunately, that means avoiding nuts and meat on the same plate. This recipe is suited to meet the specific […]
Travel Tips for The Body Ecology Diet Tara Carpenter, NC. Holistic nutritional support for healing yeast, bacterial, and viral overgrowth-related health conditions with The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.). Traveling – whether by car, plane or train – can interfere with our digestive system working well. Most of the stress we encounter when traveling is beforehand […]