This is quite possibly the most earthy and simple way to top carrot cupcakes, waffles, and even fill a layered cake. When you’re on a diet like B.E.D, recipes like this start to make sense and even taste good! Kids, and adults, who haven’t grown up on sugar will appreciate this frosting’s subtle sweetness. I use lakanto here because it’s a […]
Category: The Body Ecology Diet
Chicken Nuggets for The Body Ecology Diet Tara Carpenter, NC. I tweaked this recipe from Holistic Squid’s version which contain almond flour. One of the main principles on The Body Ecology Diet is proper food combining; unfortunately, that means avoiding nuts and meat on the same plate. This recipe is suited to meet the specific […]
Travel Tips for The Body Ecology Diet Tara Carpenter, NC. Holistic nutritional support for healing yeast, bacterial, and viral overgrowth-related health conditions with The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.). Traveling – whether by car, plane or train – can interfere with our digestive system working well. Most of the stress we encounter when traveling is beforehand […]
Digestive issues include mild, temporary cases of lactose and gluten intolerance to more serious, chronic conditions such as Crohn’s disease and ulcers. Many people have a digestive issue in some shape or form. Both my kids (see my bloated boy in photo) had digestive issues as did I for too many years. We have since […]
Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and autism are terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development. These disorders are characterized, in varying degrees, by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors. ASD and autism are characterized by varying
Hello Enzymes, Goodbye Bloating Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition Consultant helping people regain natural gut microbiome after yeast, bacterial, and viral infections. Originally published on June 5, 2015. I don’t struggle much anymore with digestive issues (i.e. gas, constipation, brain fog) yet I did a few years ago when I had systemic yeast overgrowth candida that […]
Beginner Recipe for Unsalted, Probiotic-Rich, Cultured Vegetables Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition Consultant for people regaining natural gut microbiome after yeast, bacterial, viral infections with The Body Ecology Diet. This is a good recipe to begin with if you are new at making unsalted cultured vegetables according to the “body ecology” way. I call this recipe, Garden […]